Maxsurf stability structural members weight

Discussion in 'Software' started by Zachary Peter, Jun 1, 2020.

  1. Zachary Peter
    Joined: Jun 2020
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    Zachary Peter Junior Member

    hi there I am working on a project of offshore supply vessel i calculated the Structural members using ABS Rules i added the members using maxsurf modeler
    now I want to calculate the lightship weight I have the superstructure weight, shell plating weight, all the outfitting members ready, machinery weight and propeller weight but I want to calculate the weight and the center of gravity of the members I generated from modeler and add them to stability load group but i cant find any way i searched the maxsurf stability manual and found this in page 58

    but i could not find the button or menu or anything with this name
    thanks for help in advance
  2. kaptcatb
    Joined: Jan 2013
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    kaptcatb Junior Member

    Unfortunately I can't help you with your issue, but just wondering how you calculate exact weight of superstructure, shell, outfitting and other mentioned stuffs?
    Or do you just use approx values for them?
  3. Zachary Peter
    Joined: Jun 2020
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    Zachary Peter Junior Member

    First you go to the classification society rules, in my case ABS. You will calculate the SM & Thickness of each member.
    Later you will use maxsurf stability. You enter loadcases create new load case as loadgroup in the menu choose loadgroup you will find in the edit menu or something like that option called add surface area (if you don't know where go to "help" tab maxsurf stability manual it will open in pdf search in the manual for the words"Loadcase" "load group" "add surface area")
    Doing this you have added the area of each surface to a loadgroup you can input(the thickness*denisty of steel) in the quantity row this way you have all shell&superstructure shell bulwark weight.
    Outfitting and other stuff you might just enter the Long, trans, vertical position you set from your general arrangement and add it to other loadgroup containing all the outfitting
    for the construction members this will be little bit hard you will go to rhino and draw every member you have. Then use command called volume. It will calculate the volume of the members and other command called volume centroid. It will give you the long, trans,vertical position of Center of gravity of the selected members. Add them to loadgroup in maxsurf stability
    This way I figured out with the help of my friends and some hardwork
  4. kaptcatb
    Joined: Jan 2013
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    kaptcatb Junior Member

    My previous post was kinda ironic .. Just an example - on your GA drawing you have 3 pums with 4 separators in engine room. Please tell me weight and CoG of their foundations ..
    Good luck with your project anywyay

  5. Zachary Peter
    Joined: Jun 2020
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    Zachary Peter Junior Member

    My GA? I didn't post my GA and it doesn't contain those. Don't get what you mean. Are you asking me if this is my case how I'll calculate them?
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