Maxsurf Q - Bonding Intersecting surfaces ?

Discussion in 'Software' started by cmcguinness, Feb 16, 2005.

  1. cmcguinness
    Joined: Nov 2004
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    cmcguinness Junior Member

    Dear Design Form,

    From my finished fishing trawler hull in Maxsurf, I’m attempting to create one total continuous surface hull-form, by somehow incorporating the separate inserted surfaces of the ‘bulbous bow’ and ‘Skeg’ parts of the overall vessel hull-form (Bonding all surfaces as one). Can I join or bond to the surfaces where they intersect each other e.g where they have been Trimmed?

    I am doing this to try and create one continuous NURBS surface for exportation to ProEng. Modeling software to create an imprinted ‘Fluid Domain’ (Box with hull imprinted in it) for further use in CFX -5 for more flow analysis around the Maxsurf generated hull.Just creating a basic box with Inlet and Outlet cpnditions etc.

    Note: The problem being that the exported IGES NURBS surface is only of the Hull separately, and not the “Hull, Bulbous Bow, Skeg” together, hence one surface. Is it possible to achieve this?


    Ciaran Mc Guinness University of Plymouth U.K BEng (Hons) Marine Technology (Final Year)
  2. Andrew Mason
    Joined: Mar 2003
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    Andrew Mason Senior Member


    The only way of doing this is to model the entire hull/bulb/skeg combination as a single surface to start with, and my guess is that this would be extremely difficult or impossible. Because of the arbitrary surface topology of intersected and trimmed surfaces there is no simple way of converting this into a single nurbs surface.
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