Maxsurf motion problem encountered

Discussion in 'Software' started by Jakenewcastleuniversity, Mar 26, 2018.

  1. Jakenewcastleuniversity
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    Jakenewcastleuniversity Junior Member

    I am trying to run an analysis on maxsurf motions for my model but the software says that my waterline length is 0.0m when I am clicked on the "Analysis --> Measure hull" command. I've already tried to setting the frame of reference in maxsurf modeler, but i don't think it seems to be valid. May i know what is the problem here?

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  2. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Set the watertline to, for example, 2350 mm.
    Probably not what you want to calculate, but the waterline at 0 mm has, effectively, an area equal to zero.
    Put the baseline at the lowest point of the foils and give the foils a little more thickness.
    Maybe you can not do with Maxsurf what you're trying or you're not doing well.

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  3. Jakenewcastleuniversity
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    Jakenewcastleuniversity Junior Member

    I've already did it but it didnt seem to work.
  4. TANSL
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  5. sahbas
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    sahbas Junior Member

    Hello TNSL, I am a student and I am a new member here. i am trying to design 10 m catamaran. I created hull in maxsurf and made changes in rhinos. when I am trying a slender body in maxsurf resistance. I got this problem. could you please help me solve this? please
  6. TANSL
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  7. sahbas
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    sahbas Junior Member

    Hi TANSL , here I have attached my maxsurf file.
    Thank you in advance.

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  8. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Delete, for example, the full port hull, and indicate that the two starboard surfaces are symmetrical.
    The hulls now are displaced from the origin. You must move them so that the longitudinal plane of the ship passes through the origin.
    All this done, you define correctly the "Origin" and the "Frame of Reference".
  9. sahbas
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    sahbas Junior Member

    hello TANSL I have tried as you said. but when I deleted the port side and selected symmetry, the symmetry side is appearing different location. Please help me to solve this.

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  10. TANSL
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  11. sahbas
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    sahbas Junior Member

    Thank you so much TANSL. I am very new to this software. and I am very sorry to disturb you. I have used the file for calculating the resistance in maxsurf . I have selected the slender body and catamaran in methods. also, I have given the minimum and maximum speed. finally solved the resistance analysis but could not get the results. I don't know what mistakes I am doing.
    Please help me.
  12. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Do not worry, you do not bother me at all, when I can not continue I'll tell you. I am not a great expert in this software either and often I find it very difficult to understand what problem the model may have. What I do know is that the models created with Rhino have, frequently, problems when being used in Maxsurf.
    Probably your model has some problem that MaxSurf I can not detect. I will try to create the model again, by my means, to see what happens.
  13. sahbas
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    sahbas Junior Member

    Thank so much !!!!!
  14. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    I am sticking blind but I have corrected the hulls that, in the central plane, interfered with each other, the outer with the inner. Try this file to see what happens.

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  15. sahbas
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    sahbas Junior Member

    sir, thank you so much for help and patience. Here I have what I have tried. I have uploaded to maxsurf resistance. selected everything as it's in photos and solved for results but there are no changes in results. I really don't know what mistakes I am doing.
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