Master in Yacht Design

Discussion in 'Education' started by leon0988, Apr 16, 2013.

  1. leon0988
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    leon0988 New Member

    Hello guys,

    My name is Leon and I am a naval engineer in Shipbuilding, Now I'm doing a master in Naval Engineering but i would like to specialize myself in Yacht Design. I would like to know if anyone knows the different areas inside the world of Yacht Design because i know it is a very vast field. Your help will be greatly appreciated because i feel like im going blind here.

    Thank you all for taking your time to read my post, hope someone can help me find an answer.. Greetings to you all. :D
  2. DavidJ
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    DavidJ Senior Member

    Hello Leon,
    Your post is rather vague. I'm not quite sure what you are looking for. There were some recommendations in the following thread that discussed the yacht design field. I would still recommend that you read the article in the first issue of the International Journal of Marine Design. It describes the various type of jobs and educations you would find in a yacht design office.
  3. Ike
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    Ike Senior Member

    David is right, your question is rather vague, but if I understand it right you are looking for a naval architecture course that specializes in Yacht Design. I have researched many schools that teach Naval Architecture (actually there aren't that many) and I think none of them have anything more than a brief course that touches on Yacht Design. Why. Many of the principles are the same but that is really not their focus at theses schools. However there are schools that teach yacht design, and that's all they teach, but as far as I know none offer a degree. The obvious one is Westlawn But there are others, look here
    and on my web site at Scroll down a little bit to Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering Schools USA You will also see schools offering Boat Building and Marine Design Studies
  4. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    There are 2 Uni's in the UK that offer degrees in this subject.

    For a Bachelors degree (undergraduate):

    And if you're interested in a Masters Degree (postgraduate):
  5. Ike
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    Ike Senior Member

    Thanks AD HOC. I knew if i said that someone would point out the error of my ways. LOL. I will add that to my links page.

  6. leon0988
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    leon0988 New Member

    Hey guys thank you very much for taking your time to reply my message, i would try to explain myself better; right now i'm already doing a master, basically this master has the title of "Systems and Naval Mechatronic Engineering" It has two great areas one for the mechatronic part and another for the Naval Engineering Area, the students have to choose different courses depending of what they want to learn. I'm not very happy with this title im going to get, because it doesn't focus on something in particular. I have an Scholarship here so i must stay and finish it, there is no way back haha. At the all students will have to present a thesis which i think is the real basis of the master degree, and i chose to focus on Yacht Design, but the Yacht Design have many areas as well, so that is the problem now, I would like to know all the different jobs or areas that the Yacht Design offer, maybe something new. Now I am reading the book "Principles of Yacht Design" from the authors Larsson, Eliasson. Maybe is a good starting point. I will greatly appreciate your feedback. Thank you all.
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