Mast strength

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by bushsailor, Mar 4, 2019.

  1. bushsailor
    Joined: Jan 2009
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    bushsailor Junior Member

    I have a multihull that generates around 24 ton of righting moment.
    What size or type of monohull would create similar loads on a mast.
    I am thinking of getting a secondhand monohull mast for the multihull.
  2. Bruce Woods
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    Bruce Woods Senior Member

    Interesting question, I have often pondered this myself.
    Modern canters are powerful beasts.
    Even so a TP52 with 5 tons in the bulb and 1200kg of flesh on the rail must be generating a decent RM. Not as much as a canter though.
    PS is that 24 tonne meters??
  3. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Interesting question, which should be qualified: the same displacement for both boats ?.
    It must also be borne in mind that the criteria used to choose the RM used to size the mast and rigging of a monohull is not the same as that used for a multihull. With different criteria, the comparison may not be possible ???

  4. bushsailor
    Joined: Jan 2009
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    bushsailor Junior Member

    Should be 24 ton metres max with like 15 people etc etc. That is alot compared to a Monohull but as Tansl has pointed out they are not the same. Compression is less on a multi due to wider stays etc. Mast does not have to hang out the side of the boat at 90 degrees etc. On the other hand sheeting loads are way more on the multi upwind, getting up around volvo 65 range. Boat does 12kn plus upwind which is loading everything considerably.
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