Maserati-- 70' Ocean Racing Foiler

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Doug Lord, Feb 12, 2017.

  1. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    From Team Maserati:


    May 29, 2019
    Giovanni Soldini and Maserati Multi 70’s Team will set sail from San Francisco for the first edition of the CA 500 tomorrow at 13.00 local time (20.00 UTC and 22.00 Italian time). The CA 500 is the last event of the California Offshore Race Week, a series of races organized by the Encinal Yacht Club, the Monterey Peninsula Yacht Club, the Santa Barbara Yacht Club and the San Diego Yacht Club.

    The CA 500 course is approximately 500 miles long, from San Francisco to San Diego: after crossing the starting line, off St. Francis Yacht Club, the fleet will leave Farallon Island Light to port before heading towards the finish line off San Diego.

    During the first 12 hours of the race, weather forecasts show 25 knots of NW wind, with gusts up to 30 knots, and rough sea: it will be difficult for Maserati Multi 70 to fly steadily. Closer to the finish line, in the last 100 miles, the wind will drop abruptly, but at the moment the forecasts vary: the European models indicate a wind between 3 and 4 knots, whereas the American models are more optimistic.

    Maserati Multi 70 will compete against 3 boats: in the multihull category the American MOD 70 Argo, skippered by Jason Carroll, and the English MOD 70 PowerPlay, skippered by Peter Cunningham; in the monohull category the Swan 461 Free.

    Maserati Multi 70 will sail in flying mode, unlike her direct rivals, who will sail in classic MOD mode. Through continuous research and tests to improve the trimaran’s flying performance, the Italian Team has developed new settings for the flying foils and T-shaped rudders. The two rudders, on starboard and port side, will be set to different compensation and foil area parameters, so the Team will be able to test these new configurations during the race.

    Giovanni Soldini explains: «We’re very happy to participate in the CA 500, which is a great training for the Transpac (Transpacific Yacht Race, ed) and a perfect opportunity to race against our competitors. During this race we will carry out many tests, we can’t wait to try out the new configurations and settings both of the foils and rudders, and of the sails. Our attitude for this race will be different: we will be more focused on optimizing Maserati Multi 70’s flying performance and less concerned about what our competitors are doing».

    Aboard Maserati Multi 70, skipper Giovanni Soldini will be joined by a crew of 6 sailors, of different ages and nationalities: the Italians Guido Broggi (mainsail trimmer, born in 1971), Nico Malingri (grinder and trimmer, born in 1991) and Matteo Soldini (grinder and trimmer, born in 1993); the Spanish Willy Altadill (trimmer, born in 1992) and Oliver Herrera Perez (bowman, born in 1987); the French François Robert (pitman, born in 1967).

    Last edited: May 30, 2019
  2. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Last edited: May 30, 2019
  3. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Maserati is currently in 3rd place doing about 10 knots. The other two Mods are a bit above 16 knots.
    Don't understand why Maserati is about 2 miles back and seeming to stay at 10.4 knots and the other two are staying at about 16.8! Doesn't make sense.....
  4. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Maserati up to 27 knots the other 2 25knots. She must be flying.......

    Maserati now 25 and the others 27! Maserati 7(!) miles behind....
    Last edited: May 30, 2019
  5. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    From Team Maserati:

    May 30, 2019
    Giovanni Soldini and Maserati Multi 70 set sail from San Francisco today, at 13.00 local time (20.00 UTC and 22.00 Italian time), for the first edition of the CA 500, which is the last event of the California Offshore Race Week.

    Maserati Multi 70 crossed the starting line in the San Francisco Bay right behind her competitors, Argo and PowerPlay, under a cloudy sky with 10 knots of wind. The three trimarans passed under the Golden Gate Bridge and are now sailing close-hauled towards Farallon Island Light, before setting course to San Diego.

    Maserati Multi 70, in flying asset, is racing for the first time against MOD 70s, in classic MOD asset, both already challenged individually last year: the American Argo, skippered by Jason Carroll, and the English PowerPlay, skippered by Peter Cunningham.

    A few minutes before setting sail, Giovanni Soldini said: «We’re very happy to participate in this race, this is the first time there are three trimarans racing: it will be a great challenge. Both PowerPlay and Argo’s Teams are very good and they’ve been training a lot in the past months, we have an amazing race ahead of us!»
  6. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Maserati-24.9 knots, Power Play 31 knots, Argo 30.5 knots
    Maserati seems oddly slow.........She's beaten both these boats in the last year.
    Last edited: May 30, 2019
  7. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready


  8. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    From Team Maserati: (they are still way behind in third place. Doesn't make sense......)
    May 31, 2019
    Giovanni Soldini and Maserati Multi 70 set sail from San Francisco yesterday, at 13.00 local time (20.00 UTC and 22.00 Italian time), for the first edition of the CA 500.

    At 23.45 local time (6.45 UTC and 8.45 Italian time on May 31st), Maserati Multi 70 is sailing at 24 knots in third place, 3 miles behind Argoand 7 miles behind PowerPlay. The Italian trimaran, with 305 miles to go before the finish line, is following a route close to the coast of California, unlike her competitors who are further offshore.
  9. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Maserati way behind -Argo and Power Play fighting it out...
    The DTF portion of the tracker is not working by I estimate that Maserati is over 40 miles behind. However,right now she is doing over twenty and the other two are at about 6 knots.....
    Last edited: May 31, 2019
  10. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    From Team Maserati: She has broken or damaged the stb rudder in many of the races since she became a foiler! Not the main foil or the port rudder-just the stb rudder multiple times.


    May 31, 2019
    According to the tracking, at 8.30 local time (15.30 UTC and 17.30) Maserati Multi 70 and Giovanni Soldini are 159 miles away from the finish line of the CA 500. They are sailing at 27 knots, behind their competitors Argo and PowerPlay, who already doubled the last buoy and are now heading straight to San Diego.

    The Italian Team was delayed by some damages aboard. Giovanni Soldini explains: «We crashed into three different unidentified objects and that slowed us down. Yesterday afternoon we hit something with our right side rudder, the fuse system we installed last year worked perfectly and the fitting lifted above the water, but the part that connects the fitting to the transmission broke, so the right side rudder is out».
  11. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

  12. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    From Team Maserati:
    June 1, 2019
    At 00.51 52” on Saturday June 1st local time (7.51 52” UTC and 9.51 52” Italian time) Maserati Multi 70 crossed the finish line of the 1st edition of the CA 500, last regatta of the California Offshore Race Week. Maserati Multi 70 finished the race with an elapsed time of 1 day, 11 hours, 41 minutes and 52 seconds.

    The English MOD 70 PowerPlay crossed the finish line first, at 18.12 24” on May 31st local time (1.12 24” UTC and 3.12 24” Italian time on June 1st), finishing with an elapsed time of 1 day, 5 hours, 2 minutes and 24 seconds. The American trimaran Argo followed shortly after, at 19. 49 52” local time (2.49 52” UTC and 4.49 52” on June 1st), concluding the race with an elapsed time of 1 day, 6 hours, 39 minutes and 52 seconds.
  13. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    From Team Maserati:
    June 1, 2019
    At 00.51 52” on Saturday June 1st local time (7.51 52” UTC and 9.51 52” Italian time) Maserati Multi 70 crossed the finish line of the 1st edition of the CA 500. The course of the regatta is around 500 miles long, from San Francisco to San Diego. Maserati Multi 70 completed the race with an elapsed time of 1 day, 11 hours, 41 minutes and 52 seconds.

    The English MOD 70 PowerPlay crossed the finish line first, at 18.12 24” on May 31st local time (1.12 24” UTC and 3.12 24” Italian time on June 1st), finishing with an elapsed time of 1 day, 5 hours, 2 minutes and 24 seconds. The American trimaran Argo followed shortly after, at 19.49 52” local time (2.49 52” UTC and 4.49 52” on June 1st), concluding the race with an elapsed time of 1 day, 6 hours, 39 minutes and 52 seconds.

    Aboard Maserati Multi 70, skipper Giovanni Soldini sailed with 6 professional sailors: the Italians Guido Broggi, Nico Malingri and Matteo Soldini; the Spanish Willy Altadill and Oliver Herrera Perez; the French François Robert.

    Maserati Multi 70, Argo and PowerPlay set sail from San Francisco on Thursday May 30th at 13.10 local time (20.10 UTC and 22.10 Italian time).

    Not too long after the start, a collision between Maserati Multi 70 and an unidentified floating object damaged the right side rudder. «The rudders’ anti-impact system worked very well,» said Giovanni Soldini, «without it we would’ve lost the rudder completely. The only damaged piece is the pivot attached to the steering rod, which is a small detail. Because of this we couldn’t operate the rudder anymore during the race, but it will be a very easy thing to fix».

    The Italian Team was delayed by the damaged rudder and by other impacts with algae and floating objects, so Giovanni Soldini and his Team tried a different route. «We tried a course closer to the coast to compensate the disadvantage we had because of the rudder: in those conditions, if we had set the same course as our competitors, we would’ve only followed them from behind without regaining miles. We were hoping to find a better gybing angle shown in the weather forecasts, which unfortunately turned out to be inaccurate».

    Despite the damages, the Team is pleased overall in view of the next challenge. Soldini added: «This has been an uphill race for us, but we’re happy nonetheless. We wanted to test new settings and we were able to draw conclusions and validate different solutions regarding the rudders, the gennaker and Maserati Multi 70’s flying performance in general. Before the damages occurred, we were able to reach high average speeds and we’re satisfied with the tests we conducted. We’re happy that PowerPlay did such a beautiful race and we can’t wait to race together again during the Transpac!»

    The 50th edition of the Transpac (Transpacific Yacht Race), from Point Fermin, California, to Honolulu, Hawaii, will start on July 13th.
  14. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Maserati practicing in San Francisco Bay for the Ca 500:
    pix by Maserati/Simonson--
    Maserati by simonson ready for ca 500 2019.jpg

  15. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Team Maserati:
    July 5th, 2019

    Maserati Multi 70 and Giovanni Soldini are in California for the 50th Edition of the Transpacific Yacht Race.

    Giovanni Soldini and Maserati Multi 70’s Team are getting ready for the next challenge: the 50th edition of the Transpacific Yacht Race (commonly known as Transpac), which will start on July 13th at 12.30 local time (19.30 UTC, 21.30 Italian time).

    This edition of the Transpac attracted 91 entrants, among which there are six multihulls. Alongside Maserati Multi 70 there will be the American MOD 70 Argo, skippered by Jason Carroll, the English MOD 70 PowerPlay, skippered by Peter Cunningham and the American 63’ trimaran Paradox. In the multihull category there will also be American catamarans Celestra and Kastor Pollux, respectively 40’ and 42’.

    In addition to beating the multihull record set in 2017 by American ORMA 60 Mighty Merloe (4 days, 6 hours, 32 minutes and 30 seconds), the multihulls will compete for the Rudy Choi Perpetual Tro race will start from Los Angeles on July 13th
    phy, awarded for the fastest multihull elapsed time.

    Maserati Multi 70’s Team, who already participated in the Transpac in 2017, will compete again with the two MOD 70s, which they already challenged in multiple occasions.

    Since its first edition, raced in 1906 with only 3 entrants, the Transpac has become increasingly important and today it is one of the most awaited and followed racing events.

    The historical regatta starts from Pt. Fermin, Los Angeles leaving Catalina Island to port; the finish line, around 2225 miles away, is off Diamond Head, Honolulu, Hawaii.

    With typical weather conditions for this time of the year, most of the course features downwind sailing: after crossing the starting line, the fleet will sail upwind and close reach for a few hundred miles, before a long broad reach leg to the finish line.

    Maserati Flying 3.jpg

    Maserati readies for transpac 2019.jpg
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