Marsec levels and pleasure craft safe distance to ships in harbour?

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by Knut Sand, Aug 30, 2018.

  1. Knut Sand
    Joined: Apr 2003
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    Location: Kristiansand, Norway

    Knut Sand Senior Member

    Hi. Nothing "special" with this post, I am looking for some documents stating "safe distance required" in some papers from ex. IMO, MSC, would be appreciated. In Norway we _had_ a rule that said that this safety distance could be set up to 200 meters (by the "flag" state, ship safety officer and harbour safety officer). I mean I've read somwhere that American Navy ships normally have 100 yds, but that it can be increased to 500 yds.
    The reason, why I'm looking for these numbers?
    Well, I live in a small coastal town, in a Fjord. The fjord has a "narrow" threshold to the sea. Water surface on the Fjord is approx 12 km2. Water is a mixture of fresh water (high organic content, from a small river in the north of the Fjord), and salt water (tidal levels is on average only +/- 10 cm). Now the harbour authorities in my hometown will move their Container harbour and the Industrial harbour to a place nearby. I could live with that; industry is work, life, money. But; This is the threshold area... And they will take one small mountain, blast it to managable pieces and put it in the water (again threshold area), to make enough storage area for Containers. Reports for marine life, and water quality is "old" (1986, 2003, 2012) and does not take this project into consideration. The opening to the Fjord, today, is approx 600 (minus) meter, average depth is 25- 30 meters. New Quay front will be poshed 200-210 meter out, reducing the flow area, Quay will go down approx 15 meter and they will need to fill a slope down to -40 meters. Pretty large structures. I estimate that the reduction in flow area past that area is -35 to -37 %. In the entrance to the Fjord there are now 2 narrow areas, with this project finished, there will be 3 narrow areas. I am pretty sure that this will change the content of salt in the waters in "my" Fjord, reducing Oxygene content, increasing organic content... Permanentely changing the environmental habitats for marine life, costal cod, eel, sea trouts. etc. Ok; If I can dig (with help) the distance in meter/ yds for ships. I can use that argument against this size of the project. We will have a distance from the new quay to the land on the oposite side of approx 370 meters. A ship is approx 30 meter wide. If the safety distance is set to 200 meters (keep in mind USS Cole?), and here in Norway, we need to keep a distance to shore, no less than 50 meter, if going faster than 5 knots. Then the area for north/ southward bound pleasure crafts traffic will bei belt with width of 90 meters...And a number of small pleasure crafts/ small yacht harbours. Not much "free water" to navigate in? Any ideas? Next week I'll post a letter in the local paper, if possible. Any ideas and help will be appreciated. Ecpesially any link to documents with some information/ definition of "safe distance". Best regards; Knut Sand
  2. JamesG123
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    JamesG123 Senior Member

    Is this going to be a naval facility? There is a lot of difference between the "safe distance" between a warship (whatever they say it is) and a commercial or private ship ( don't scratch the paint or make the harbor master have to do any paperwork).

    Best of luck but I don't think this approach is likely to succeed in convincing people who want to spend a lot of other people's money so that they can make more money. Or on the other hand, The State will not be denied. We call such screwing "eminent domain" here in the US.
  3. Knut Sand
    Joined: Apr 2003
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    Knut Sand Senior Member

    Military subs there now (German company, final trials/ testing), pretty interesting, fuel cell tech, i believe. No way anyone could place me in a submerged box, together with a new hybrid/ fuel cell technology... But they will probably be relocated.. So: commersial ships, bulk, containers.
    'fraid Im fighting wind mills...
  4. fallguy
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    fallguy Senior Member

    I'd still probably write the local media. If they affect the environment; at least you can say you warned them. Here in the US, such a project would require an EIS, or environmental impact statement and public hearings before permitting. I don't understand the impacts of "your" fjord well, but it sounds like a lovely place and you seem like a class act. Best of luck.

  5. JamesG123
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    JamesG123 Senior Member

    That is probably a better angle than any kind of defense related objection. Call Greenpeace!!!
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