Looking for work in the boat building industry

Discussion in 'Services & Employment' started by aquform, Jan 31, 2013.

  1. aquform
    Joined: Oct 2008
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    Location: Thailand

    aquform Senior Member

    Experienced boat-builder looking for employment. 20 years experience in building composite boats from 20ft to 120ft, last 13 years working as a production manager in south east Asia building boats in the range of 75 to 110 ft yachts export to European and north american market.
    Extensive experience in composite yachts from a hands on position to a managerial position,
  2. PAR
    Joined: Nov 2003
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    "Looking for work in the boat building industry"

    aren't we all . . .
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  3. goodwilltoall
    Joined: Jul 2010
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    goodwilltoall Senior Member

    Example only.

    If you work as a boat builder (or any other work) making $30 an hour and you accept a wage of $10.00 an hour, chances of getting a job should dramatically increase. What's really happening is more value for money others are willing to spend has increased in purchasing power. This is constantly happening throughout the whole economy, business owners deal with it all the time and have to improve thier product to make it appealing for others to part with thier money.

    Typical workers dont realize this until they are out of a job, they then see how the real economy works and go through the adjustment period of either accepting lower wages or proving thier value to maintain same wages. Think yourself the business owner as in life you really are, this will give you the perspective you need.

    Job loss as a result of today's slow economy are more prevelant and not always the fault of owners or workers. I think the merchandisers of marine products have shot themselves in the foot as well, they overcharged for products for so long (everybody is aware of the marine retailor jokes), the result is lack of disposable money available by typical boaters to fund their hobby, especially in this downturn. Now people that could have been potential boaters have been chased out of the market.

    If you are willing to move, I have heard you might find work in areas close to Cheasepeake Bay, there are plenty of taxpayers monies being used for government ship building projects but many of those are boilermakers, welders, and other industrial type trades.
  4. goodwilltoall
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    goodwilltoall Senior Member

    Just saw you are from Thailand and in management, so you are probably aware of what I wrote or should have learned it in college.
  5. goodwilltoall
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    goodwilltoall Senior Member

    Pricing yourself out of the market is a reality, commodity prices have increased because of limited supply but most manufactured products are going down in price (ipads, computers, appliances, etc...) unless there is inflation to factor in or behind the scenes manipulation to keep others out.

  6. aquform
    Joined: Oct 2008
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    aquform Senior Member

    No longer looking for employment

    I did read your comment 'goodwilltoall' and what you say is true but it does have a opposite affect to what you say when you are based in Asia...with the economy in the west on a downturn and companies having to be more competitive and giving the customer more value for their money companies are moving their production to countries where the labor cost is cheaper, I have been in south east Asia for the last 16 years and back then there were very few boat building companies around, now there are companies all over the place and more and more opening all the time, finding work here is now probably easier than it has ever been and even better than in the west
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