Looking for offshore boat project; Where to find the boat

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by quickenberger, Nov 14, 2016.

  1. quickenberger
    Joined: Oct 2016
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    Location: Rocky Mountain West

    quickenberger New Member

    I am in the Rocky Mountain West and have scoured classified ads looking for a 20-22ft center console offshore project boat. There really are not a lot of those type of boats out here. What I want is something that is relatively cheap (<$2k for hull and trailer) where there may need fiberglass work done, repowering, rerigging of wires, cables etc. Where do I find such a boat? Looking at classified ads for coastal cities I have only found ready to go boats. There has to be someone who drives by somebody's place and sees a similar old boat covered in weeds, trailer tires flat, hasn't been run in years, etc... Or someone who knows of auctions where there are boats damaged from recent storms, etc. That's what I am looking for. If anyone can give me a heads up and maybe some pics of what they see. The type I am looking for are like the 1980's Makos, or similar. Something with the bow higher than the stern. Something with good deadrise to handle rougher water.
    Let me know. Thanks,
  2. ondarvr
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    ondarvr Senior Member

    If you like projects and don't mind spending money, then go for it, if you think it will be a low cost way to get out on the water, then think again.

    It will normally cost more to start with a run down old boat that needs work than to buy one in better condition that you can use right away.
  3. PAR
    Joined: Nov 2003
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Welcome to the forum.

    Most project boats aren't placed in the classified ads. It's a bit like looking for a classic hot rod, needing major work. Both the boat and the car will be found under someone's carport, under a tattered tarp, in a backyard or garage, long forgotten and covered in dust, dirt and spare tires. The only good way to find them is to drive around and look.

    I regularly drive the coastal roads, hitting every small marina and checking out driveways and carports, for such projects. It's a lot of leg work, but this is the way, unfortunately. Every marina will have a few derelicts stuffed against a fence in the least likely to be seen from the street location. They're an eyesore and probably way behind on slip/lot rent too, so they're all but stacked up in an out of the way place, until they file a mechanic's lien against them. Usually you can get them for just the yard bill, or what they have in it for repairs/parts, etc.
  4. quickenberger
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    quickenberger New Member

    I have rebuilt one fiberglass boat and totally restored an 18.5 ft aluminum tank of a boat and now that that one is finished I am itching to start another project. The aluminum one involved pulling off two damaged front panels and re-riveting new ones in place with solid rivets. I had to fabricate a completely new transom since the old transom was ripped off somehow. I built an offset bracket to hang the outboard on and welded up an aluminum center console. I completely understand that it is cheaper to find a dinky boat and just go fishing, but I enjoy taking something that is unique and making it work again.

    I did find classifieds on the hull truth forums that might look promising though.
  5. WestVanHan
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  6. PAR
    Joined: Nov 2003
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    If looking for an offshore boat, get the biggest one you can handle. There's not much worse, than being in a healthy sea, in too small a boat.
  7. mydauphin
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    mydauphin Senior Member

    Offshore to me starts at 21 feet and really 27 is better. But these are really fair weather boats, you better get to shore fast or you will end up very wet and beat up, or even dead.

    Mostly, there are exceptions, 21 feet is largest on single engine. 27 is a good day boat with twins. But this is based on an assumption of a location like Florida or Carribean were the water even offshore are semi-protected and only 20-30 miles from land. Your locations may be different. 100 miles offshore is very different.
  8. quickenberger
    Joined: Oct 2016
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    quickenberger New Member

    I found the boat, now getting it here.

    I got a boat, located in New Jersey. I have 10 days to get it off site and eventually want to get it to Utah. Anybody out there have contacts of someone with a flatbed that might be deadheading from NJ to any other state farther west? Cheap is the goal but I don't expect free.
    Overall envelope is 25ftX7.5ftX8ft weight is estimated at 4500lbs and it's on a trailer. If not I will be driving the 4000+ mile round trip with a truck and dragging it back here.

  9. ondarvr
    Joined: Dec 2005
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    ondarvr Senior Member

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