looking for Formula 18 polar

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Lorenz13470, Mar 15, 2011.

  1. Lorenz13470
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    Lorenz13470 New Member

    Good afternoon,
    I am an italian sailing trainer that is writing a book (hoping some editor will be interested...) about sport catamarans (14-20 feet).
    I would like to insert some info regarding speed polar, but I was not able to find any Formula 18 polar (the ones I found were referring to cruising cats, 40 feet or longer).
    Can anyone help me to find it?

    thanks in advance

  2. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

  3. Lorenz13470
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    Lorenz13470 New Member

    F18 polar

    thanks for the info.
    Few week ago I read the interview (even if I prefer Yann Roux's interview... I found this one "more technical") but I was not able to find any info about speed polar...
    I will send an e-mail to Doctor Martin Fischer

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