Looking for Cat plans. Suggestions?

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Tropical Sailor, Jun 4, 2014.

  1. Petros
    Joined: Oct 2007
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    Petros Senior Member

  2. Richard Woods
    Joined: Jun 2006
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    Richard Woods Woods Designs

    I met Petros at the Port Townsend WBF last year. I believe you said you were going this year? if so we could all meet up - maybe on my Skoota 28

    Most SOF boats are dinghies and kept undercover. So not subject to UV degradation like a boat kept outside in the tropics will be. Think sails and why they have covers....

    Dave Gentry is a known expert on SOF

    http://gentrycustomboats.com/Info page.html

    Richard Woods

  3. Petros
    Joined: Oct 2007
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    Petros Senior Member

    sounds like a good plan Richard. I may also be in port Townsend the first weekend of August for a wooden kayak rendezvous.

    Like fiberglass/epoxy (that also breaks down in the sun), you can make a heavy synthetic skin last with layers of opaque paint to keep the damaging rays off the fabric. But storing it out of the weather would make it last longer, just like any other boat.

    This skin on frame Umiak replica uses nylon skin and polyurethane sealant, it is at the center for wooden boats in Seattle. It has been sitting out side in the weather for as long as I can remember, at least 6 years that I know of (and it looked weathered when I first saw it). But it is considered normal maintenance to refreash the paint every few years, and eventually relace the skin perhaps at 8 or 10 year intervals. Replacing the skin is far easier (and cheaper) than replanking or reglassing a conventional hull.

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