Looking for a trailerable cruiser 23 - 28ft with widest beam possible in uk

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Wellington, Jun 24, 2018.

  1. Wellington
    Joined: Jun 2018
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    Wellington Junior Member

    Hello all. Im Looking for a trailerable motor cruiser 23 - 28ft with the widest beam possible in the uk. The boat i'm after must have a minimum beam of 9ft and a standing headroom of minimum 6ft 2".
    Ive been looking at sea rays, sunseekers, bayliners, cruisers international, sealine, fairline, alphacraft, Trojan, Wellcraft, seamasters, princess etc. I particularly like the designs with a bed under the cockpit. Something 1985 - 95 would be about my budget.

    Any Others i have missed with a good wide beam? Anyone know what the widest beam boat is in this length range.

  2. Richard Woods
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    Richard Woods Woods Designs

  3. Wellington
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    Wellington Junior Member

    Yes, i do love catamarans and hope to have one one day but at the moment i'm looking for a boat for all areas including inland canals and a catamaran on a canal just sticks out like a sore thumb. :) I watched the day sail to russia video on youtube with woods strider clubs and they look like a real fun boat.

    Best regards
  4. Wellington
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    Wellington Junior Member

    Now you have me thinking seriously about cats again. Can you tell me the boom height from the deck on a strider club 23ft cat and can the boom be raised to accomodate standing headroom for a 6ft guy by using the boom as the ridge pole of a tent canvas?

  5. Tiny Turnip
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    Tiny Turnip Senior Member

    Wellington, if you do wish to navigate all areas including canals, be aware that some are as narrow as 7ft; you might be looking at 6'10'' maximum width.
  6. Wellington
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    Wellington Junior Member

    no, i would choose beam over area coverage. just cant stand the idea of living in a tunnel.
  7. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    That contradicts your previous post #3:
    You've just changed your SOR on coverage area, see your other thread: Best Boat Design Ideas on boatdesign.net
  8. Wellington
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    Wellington Junior Member

    Yep, its called evolution of thought and choice when trying to way up the pros and cons of different boat designs. let me know if my grammer is ok too and dont forget to run my posts through a spellchecker whilst your at it. Come to think of it spellcheck everyones posts. Im sure you wont let us down.
  9. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    I also think a 23' monohull motor cruiser with 9' beam might be just a bit too broad beamed to talk about the best idea for a boat.
  10. SamSam
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    SamSam Senior Member

    Um, hello. Mr turnip was talking about the width of canals, not the beam of boats.
    What it means is a 9' wide boat will not work very well at all in a 7' wide canal.
  11. SamSam
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    SamSam Senior Member

    Your grammar is very bad on purpose, but your reading comprehension does actually need work.
  12. Wellington
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    Wellington Junior Member

    like your manners towards strangers.

  13. SamSam
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    SamSam Senior Member

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