Looking for a pair of used Surface drives

Discussion in 'Surface Drives' started by marios55, Nov 24, 2014.

  1. marios55
    Joined: Nov 2014
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    marios55 Junior Member

    Hello everyone,
    This is my first post on the B.D.Forums.
    Could do with your help.
    I'm building a 12 x 4 meters boat and I'm looking for a pair
    of used surface drives.
    Anybody noes of any?

    Forgot to mention that I'm using two x 370 hp D6 Volvo penta 3500 rpm.
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2014
  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    What size?
  3. marios55
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    marios55 Junior Member

    Well I was advised to use the Seafury SF 24 or the Arneson ASD8. Wouldn't mind if its another make.
    The weight of the boat would be 10 tons.
  4. fire_john
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    fire_john New Member

  5. marios55
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    marios55 Junior Member

    Thanks but nothing to suit my engines as they are
    two x 370 hp D6 Volvo penta 3500 rpm.
  6. ChrisN67
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    ChrisN67 Senior Member

  7. specialfx
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    specialfx New Member

    Kaama surface drives

    I have a pair of Kaama surface drives in very good shape. used them in a stepped hull prototype 34' v hull that I only ran 200-300 hours.

  8. specialfx
    Joined: Jun 2015
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    specialfx New Member

    forgot to mention that I also have a pair of twindisk 502 transmissions that are in very good shape also.
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