Looking for a naval architect

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by John Torelli, Mar 19, 2023.

  1. John Torelli
    Joined: Oct 2022
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    John Torelli Junior Member

    Hello, I'm looking for a naval architect with a good reputation and can be trusted for a smaller design effort. The project will be under 20' with a wide beam and keel. Either electric or small diesel inboard for Class C navigation. Displacement hull speed with bottom similar to a sailboat. Since this will likely be a one off build, I'm leaning towards cold molded wood construction. Shold be relatively simple effort.

  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    What you describe is typical of older designs before powerboats were all required to plane. A one off design will be quite costly. Have you looked a classic designs that are available for quite cheap? For example, Atkins and Farmer.
  3. John Torelli
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    John Torelli Junior Member

    This is not something I thought of. Where is the best place to find these available designs? thank you for the assistance.
  4. John Torelli
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    John Torelli Junior Member

    I think I just found the link on this site. thank you
  5. John Torelli
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    John Torelli Junior Member

    Any chance you could reach out to me at N4061@yahoo.com. I have a couple of questions I would appreciate assistance with. While I have been boating my entire life (I'm 62) and owning four trawlers including three Nordhavns this is new to me. Thank you

  6. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    rxcomposite and BlueBell like this.
  7. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

  8. John Torelli
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    John Torelli Junior Member

    All, thanks to those who have reached out to me on this question. I was able to locate the original design and drawing package in Norway. I also found many photo's confirming my fears these boats are not designed to trailered and launched every weekend. We decided to go with an in-production all electric powered boat of similar design built overseas but not as tall. Thank again for your assistance.

  9. bajansailor
    Joined: Oct 2007
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    This sounds intriguing - can you disclose more details please about this vessel?
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