Looking for a naval architect to design a navigable house boat in London

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by George Gottlieb, Feb 21, 2018.

  1. George Gottlieb
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    George Gottlieb Junior Member

    Hi guys,

    This is my first time posting on here but I have been living on boats for the last 8 years in London.

    I am looking for a naval architect to help me create a new boat that conforms to RCD 2 requirements. I have a plan of using a catamaran style hull built out of MDPE logs connected by a steel framework. I can then use SIPS companies to create the structure in factories and have it craned onto the base in the London Marina where it will be located.

    The size is 21meteres x 4.5meteres with a second story to navigate from/use as a photographic studio space.

    This is my first time taking on a task like this so I am open to all ideas and referrals to make this come to fruition.
  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    What is the reason for the catamaran logs? In general, a design starts with a list of functions it needs to fulfill. Whether a catamaran or a monohull will fulfill them is further down the decision path.
  3. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    Hi George

    Welcome to the forum.
    This type of boat is a bit out of my bailiwick, i tend to design commercial.

    However, whilst it woudl not be overly difficult, I can recommend a colleague of mine if you're interested? He's based on the IoW.
  4. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    I would recommend you contact Ian Critchmoor in Cornwall at Jack Tar’s Boatworks. He is building these type of vessels; although not sure how large and exactly whether the hulls are cat style. I think the one he did recently was 40’ single floor with roof deck, so not sure about the two story bit. At the worst; he wouldn’t be able to help or he might help you with the right NA for your needs or even the build. Kind regards.
  5. George Gottlieb
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    George Gottlieb Junior Member

    Hi Gonzo, I have a supplier mysite https://www.whateverfloatsyourboats.co.uk/ who is supplying the logs and it is by far wi
    I don't like having to maintain the hull these logs are guaranteed for 125 years MDPE and I won't have to be below water level freezing in england :)
  6. George Gottlieb
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    George Gottlieb Junior Member

    Thank you!
  7. George Gottlieb
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    George Gottlieb Junior Member

    Hey! Yes, please! Any referrals more than welcome!
  8. George Gottlieb
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    George Gottlieb Junior Member

    Thank you for that info!
  9. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Some years ago (2002) Simon Rogers came up with a very nice design for a floating office / houseboat.
    Click on 'Past Projects', and then the icon for 'Waterspace PLC'.

    And click on the link in red under the top photo for the general arrangement drawings.

    The link for Waterspace PLC does not work - Googling suggests that they went out of business in 2005.

    Here is an article in the Independent about Waterspace -

    On the other side of the Atlantic, some years ago Eric Sponberg came up with some very neat houseboat designs - however he is now retired, and I think he has gone off sailing around the world.
  10. George Gottlieb
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    George Gottlieb Junior Member

    Bajansailor, Thank you very much for taking the time for these links. Interesting stuff there and right up my street.
  11. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Hello George - I wanted to send you a private message, but it looks like I can only 'start a conversation' with you - so I tried that, and the software would not let me.
    Re Eric Sponberg's houseboats, he had general arrangement drawings for them posted on his old website (when he was still trading as a naval architect). I saved copies of these at the time, and if you let me have an email address, I could send them to you by email.
    In view of how they are not on Eric's 'new' site now, I am reluctant to post them on here in the public domain.
  12. George Gottlieb
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    George Gottlieb Junior Member

    Hi my email is george@onaboat.co look forward to hearing from you :)

  13. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    50' on deck (15.2 m) 16' beam (4.9 m) though not a cat hull. Your MDPE hulls idea doesn't sound like it would work, given the weights, classification and environmental requirements it'll need to satisfy. Lastly, there's absolutely no such thing as maintenance free hulls, that are continuously immersed. No one like to clean, inspect haul out and keep up with a berthed hull, but there's no free lunch. The bottom will need regular cleaning, the bottom paint will need regular renewing, the boat will need regular hauling, etc., etc., etc.
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