Longshot Returns!

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Doug Lord, Jul 26, 2010.

  1. Doug Lord
    Joined: May 2009
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    From Scuttlebutt:


    In 1993, at Bodega Bay, Russell Long took his last ride on Longshot, his
    custom Ketterman built trifoiler, which had just been outfitted with new
    foil wings. She bolted out of the gate a blasted up to near 50 knots when
    the back stay parted and she "blew up" scattering pieces about the harbor.
    Russell emerged shaken but unscathed. Longshots parts were gathered and
    eventually trucked to Southern California.

    Russell soon followed another passion, in protecting the environment and has
    spent the past 15 years working with projects such a his Blue Water Network
    and Friends of the Earth Which among other things ended the use of 2 stroke
    engines on Lake Tahoe and forced the fuel efficiency issues in Washington
    and Detroit.

    Longshot was recently towed back to Watsonville, CA, had a few tweaks and
    adjustments made, and readied for another go at the record books. She still
    holds the class A 500 Meter Course record set in 1992 in Tarifa, Spain of
    43.55 knots according to speedsailing.com. Russell has his sights set a bit
    higher, that being the overall 500 Meter speed record set by Hydroptere of
    51.36 knots set in Hyere's, France in 2009.

    Russell was trialing Longshot's new configuration this past weekend at
    Oyster Point, on the Southern San Francisco Bay. Photos and video interview
    An excellent video of Ketterman explaining the concept of the trifoiler: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8Z4-Oh2fDE&feature=related

    Attached Files:

  2. SteveMellet
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    SteveMellet Senior Member

    Doug, I don`t think it`s a "new configuration" as you put it - he crashed the boat on it`s first outing with the wingsails and put it away 17 years ago so he could fight the environmental polluters..
    So it seems like it must have stood in a shed for that long, and been ressurrected now that he has taken a break from being so active as an environmental protector.
    I hope there`s no petroleum based products in the boat, and that he will be sailing it to Namibia, keeping in line with his environmental goals - to fight the environmental bad guys, of which aircraft operators and petroleum companies must surely be high on his list.
    Other than that I think it`s awesome that this boat can be rigged first time in 17 years and go blasting at around 40knots. I reckon speedsailing is going to get interesting soon, with the new Sailrocket and Longshot having a go at Hydroptere.
  3. Doug Lord
    Joined: May 2009
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Not my words. From the website or the Scuttlebutt press release. He is sure not going to sail it to Namibia....
  4. peter radclyffe
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    peter radclyffe Senior Member

    what environmentally friendly materials was this boat made from,
  5. peter radclyffe
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    peter radclyffe Senior Member

    protecting the environment from plastic, g r p , kevlar & aluminium factories, yeah right
  6. tony-uk
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    tony-uk Junior Member

    oh my gosh....longshot

    i am so glad to hear longshot (the original trifoiler) has made a return
    i have followed speed sailing and weird foil concepts for years and i am totally addicted to it..so much so..that i have just completed the build of my hydroplaning catamaran..hydrocat

    hydrocat had its first test 2 weeks ago and despite 3 major flaws causing drag..that i have now redesigned..got to 10 knots in light winds
    hydrocat is getting its second test this sat 7th..at southend on sea (chaulkwell beach) and i am hoping for 15 to 20 knots..anyone is welcome to come along

  7. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

  8. tony-uk
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    tony-uk Junior Member

    yes doug ,,and thanks for the good luck..il,e be needing it..along with some jack daniels
    although very different in many aspects.my hydrocat was inspired by greg mcgees itzacat,and he has been gracious enough over the last 8 weeks to help me out when i had questions to ask.hydroplaning has always fascinated me,and i cant quite believe the lack of hydroplaning craft out there at the moment as they overcome many of the problems associated with speed from sail power..the big ones being ..heeling and displacement..i hope to have a second vid to post soon with some on board footage..thats asuming i am still in one piece

    see you soon

    southend on sea

    united kingdom
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2010
  9. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

  10. tony-uk
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    tony-uk Junior Member

    nice one doug..i hope you get to build it..would love to see you testing it too
    funny you should mention small tri,s
    i am fascinated by small craft like the hobie adventure island,so about 10 months ago when i acquired a valley nordkapp sea kayak,i immediately thought about turning it into a small tri that would be faster than the adventure island..the idea is still knocking around in my brain and will probably be built next year,,i even thought about adding foils to it..that project and hydrocat are detailed at


    but i did build a small v sail for the kayak and took some video

    i have some video of hydrocats first test,it done very well in light winds,,and despite some major drag going on at the back which i have now redesigned,,it got to 10 knots..thats a guess..as i had no way of measuring speed accurately..but as you can see from the video..it still wanted to go


    i am testing again at the weekend now the redesigns are completed...i know its going to go faster...feel a bit scared ..but exited also
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