Long distance Towing of multiple boats

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by guatom, Sep 17, 2010.

  1. WestVanHan
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    WestVanHan Not a Senior Member

    I've shipped 1200 cars to Asia like this with with zero problems-have you?
    If ramps can be built to elevate 3400 pound cars...

    Guatom, a couple years ago I shipped 3 cans from Jacksonville to Costa Rica...IIRC a 40' box was $3300 + fees but I think the price has dropped to ~$3k so you'd be looking $3300 as a rough idea.

    So maybe $1700 a boat in a can to CR....plus whatever prices to get to Jax/Guatemala.
  2. SamSam
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    SamSam Senior Member

    No, I was referring to repairing boats. Here, when people say they were given a boat for free and think it's a wonderful thing, well, it very rarely is. When you refer to a couple soft spots here and there as nothing but a thing, it sounds ominous to me in the way that possibly you don't quite understand what a couple soft spots can mean. As fun as towing a mass of boats to Guatemala sounds, it seems sometimes a chore to keep one good boat floating, much less a mass of derelicts. One good rainstorm might sink the whole fleet.
  3. apex1

    apex1 Guest

    Hi Terry,

    sea barges ARE designed to be towed worldwide. (and fail quite often)

    Derelicts are not capable to be towed on the open ocean. Not even brand new boats would stand a 1000 miles tow in average weather conditions.

    And it would not be cheap btw.

    Just forget it.

    I meant that serious with the coaster!

  4. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Richard is correct, the difference between a barge train and this idea is the barge is intended for the stains it will receive, the few dozen of so rafted up Bayliners aren't. This isn't to say you couldn't engineer a ring for each boat, that would both hold the derelict and insure the strains of the tow, would be passed from ring to ring, rather then crushed boat hull to crushed boat hull. Unfortunately, this now sounds like a lot more then just rafting things up and going for it. Not to mention the rings would have to be inspected and approved, as would the whole plan of dragging a potential hazard to navigation to where ever. The USCG gets real pissy when craft of very limited maneuverability, start moving around with ill advised and ill contrived equipment, rigging, skippers, etc. The wise choice is to take them as deck freight, which is fairly cheap.
  5. mark775

    mark775 Guest

    Han, I get it that my post was equivicable but I was backing the idea! I think it is good!
  6. kapnD
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    kapnD Senior Member

    I read a good book many years ago about a multiple tow operation across the Pacific ocean of several old minesweepers.
    Though professionally planned, the whole operation was one disaster after another, and if memory serves me correctly, very few of the original number were successfully delivered.
    I would think rafting up would be the worst possible approach, but towing a single string also presents challenges.
    If labor is that cheap in Guatemala, you could probably do better to buy a mold and pack it into a container with lots of fiberglass and resin and build boats down there.
  7. Anytec1210
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    Anytec1210 Junior Member

    You don’t really state how many you need to tow so perhaps you need to do some math to se how many you have to tow in order to gain anything at all from this idea at all.


    I’ve probably towed most things that floats (and not floats for that matter) and what you would like to do here would perhaps be done in absolutely perfect conditions, and even then be difficult enough.

    Towing many smaller objects (10-12 boats) is much more difficult than one large object. And even if you would be able to overcome that your load crushes itself (american 20ft day cruisers don’t exactly have the reputation of being robust) you would hardly be able to steer in winds over 10 ft/sek unless you have another boat to work with.

    However if I (with a gun to my head) had to take on such a stupid mission I’ll set it up with two parallel tow lines on either side of the boats and from that attach them behind one and another and make sure I’ve done my prayers.
    Same principle but lines instead of booms.

  8. WickedGood

    WickedGood Guest

    Why Knowt just tie a long string of boats together and you drive the one up front and have a buddy drive the Cabbose Boat in the rear.

    That way they would all stay together nice.

    I think your onto smething. You could just put Styrofoam around those 40 ft Container boxes and not even need a big cargo ship.

    Kind of like a Railroad Train on Water

    Why didnt someone think of this before?


  9. ancient kayaker
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    ancient kayaker aka Terry Haines

    I've seen a picture of strings of empty rental canoes being towed behind a small powerboat, about 8 or so per string. They were running in a nice line. I didn't notice if anything was at the tail end, but the powerboat jockeys were going slowly and watching the canoes very closely. An empty canoe will tow quite well but if it is loaded it doesn't want to tow straight anymore.

    An empty canoe is quite different from a powerboat: I suspect that when the forefoot of a boat is deep enough to bite it gets an attitude!
  10. Anytec1210
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    Anytec1210 Junior Member

    Every spring I tow Lasers out to a sailing shool where they are used during the summer. I pull about 5 at a time behind my Rupert Marine 50 and can pace at about 20-25 knots without any problems so your right aincent.

    However, as you also pointed out there is a big difference here alltough a 20ft'r daycruiser is a "canoe" in the towing world.
  11. mark775

    mark775 Guest

    Don't encourage the absolute nonsense. We don't need any more flotsam in our running gear.
  12. Anytec1210
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    Anytec1210 Junior Member

    I’ll agree that the likely outcome would be that those day cruisers nicely integrate them selves with the with the garbage belt outside the west coast.

    And in case anyone missed it – “Maybe, if I had a gun to my head I would perhaps consider this idea”.
  13. wardd
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    wardd Senior Member

    are there plans for hulls like that?

  14. WickedGood

    WickedGood Guest

    are there plans for hulls like that?

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