Lightning Sailboat Mast Internal Line Schematic

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by David M, Jul 12, 2011.

  1. David M
    Joined: Jul 2011
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    David M New Member

    I am new to this forum and new owner of a 1970 Eichenlaub Lightning sailboat. I purchased it as a project boat. As I am going thru rebuilding, I noticed that the lines/ropes that feed into the mast were cut and need replacing. I have done quite a bit of research on the internet but I cannot find any info on a schematic of the internal line configuration of the mast. Either I have not yet found the info or there is none available online. Does anyone know where I can find the information for replacing the internal lines/rope into the mast, a schematric on the internal configuration, what length and diameter of the lines, and how to access the inside of the mast? I tried to contact Eichenlaub the manufacturer, but the boat manufacturer is no longer around. I will also try some of the other Lightning Class manufacturers as well. Any help would really be appreciated. Thank you in advance.
    David M
  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    There can be several. Some mainsail halyards had a lock at the top, where a ball on the steel cable hooked to. Others had the cleat or lock below the gooseneck. Some have sheaves at the bottom of the mast, and the halyards go to a cleat or winch. There is no standard configuration, the halyards run from the sheaves to the exit at the lower part or bottom of the mast. On these boats owners customize the setup to their preference.
  3. David M
    Joined: Jul 2011
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    David M New Member

    Gonzo, thank you for your reply. I have talked with a few others as well and as you indicated there were a number of configurations based on ther manufacturer. I found out that there is a local Lightning fleet and I will try to converse with some owners to figure this one out. I appreciate your response. Thank you,
    David M
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