Lewmar deck switches for electric winches

Discussion in 'OnBoard Electronics & Controls' started by Marcial Campos, Aug 6, 2016.

  1. Marcial Campos
    Joined: Aug 2011
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    Marcial Campos Junior Member

    Hi everybody!
    I have two Lewmar 66 electric powered winches on my boat.
    The deck switches in my cockpit are 80 mm in diameter and were discontinued by lewmar in 2006.
    The current ones are showing signs of wear and I would like to replace them.
    Anyone can tell me if they can be substituted by the new Lewmar deck switches XS? They are 60 mm in diameter and of course I would have to adapt the deck attachment but what I would like to know is if they would operate correctly.
  2. BertKu
    Joined: May 2009
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    BertKu Senior Member

    It can be substituted by anything, provided you know the voltage and the current which are drawn by your winch. The problem with DC current switching is , it sparks. Much more than by AC. Over a period of time it burns in. Therefore it always good practice to use a switch which can handle at least twice the maximum current i.e. at full load on your winch. Although at the start of switching your winch on, the current maybe as much as 10 x the normal current. If the new Lewmar switches XS complies with that, you should be fine. Bert
  3. Marcial Campos
    Joined: Aug 2011
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    Marcial Campos Junior Member

    Thank you Bert,
    I'll try to do that
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