Len Randell very much alive!

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by mcrandell, Aug 13, 2011.

  1. mcrandell
    Joined: Aug 2011
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    mcrandell Junior Member

    I notice one member saying that, sadly, Len Randell (naval architect in Perth, Western Australia) passed away many years ago. I am Len's son (Mark), and I assure you, he is very much alive and well, and looks set to make 100 (currently 86)!
  2. whitepointer23

    whitepointer23 Previous Member

    that is good news mark, i actually thought that as well. for people that don't know, len is one of australia's top designers, there are thousands of boats built to his designs sailing and motoring around australia.
  3. mcrandell
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    mcrandell Junior Member

    Cheers, Brendan.
  4. Andrewr
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    Andrewr New Member

    Randell Rugged class yachts

    Mark, hope your dad is still going. I have just completed the build of one of your fathers designs, a Rugged 24. It was launched in April and construction was started in 1962 by my father. Would like to make contact with you, especially if dad is still going. I have a DVD of the construction and launch he would enjoy. I would alos like to know if there are others in the class around.......or am I the only one?
  5. mcrandell
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    mcrandell Junior Member

    Andrew: I don't think you're the only one, and yes, he's still going strong....you can contact me on mobile 0415 637374. I'm sure he would appreciate the DVD. I can get him to contact you to give you any other answers...I'm sure he'd be pleased to hear of a new Rugged!
  6. Andrewr
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    Andrewr New Member

    The Rugged class yacht

    Hi Mark and other members,
    I have attached some photos of Len's design, which I have just launched. I would love to hear of any others around.

    Attached Files:

  7. whitepointer23

    whitepointer23 Previous Member

    great boat andrew. i sailed on a friends rugged 24 once and it performed well. that one is based at the yacht club in albany.
  8. mcrandell
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    mcrandell Junior Member

    Andrew: you can send the DVD (with accompanying note, perhaps) to:
    Len Randell
    4A Blackwall Reach Parade
    BICTON WA 6157

  9. Andrewr
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    Andrewr New Member

    DVD of Len Randell's design

    Good evening Mark,

    Have posted the DVD to your Dad today, please let me know if he enjoyed it and any comments about the yacht.
  10. mcrandell
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    mcrandell Junior Member


    Thanks, Andrew... BTW, given your surname -- relation?

  11. Andrewr
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    Andrewr New Member

    Mark, not sure if we can discuss on a boat forum (I am a novice),but I would not be suprised with the unusual surname. Researching family tree at moment and have not found connection yet. We are directly related directly to William Randell the first River Murray Paddle Steamer Captain from SA.
  12. Michael Mullins
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    Michael Mullins New Member

    Hi, I know this is a long shot and I do sincerely hope Len Randell is still alive and well, but I posted him a letter recently to the address listed and it was returned. I was hoping to ask if Len could offer any pointers as to the heritage to my newly acquired boat that is moored almost outside of his address, but I now see the address is under construction of epic proportions!

    Thanks and my apologies for reviving a very old thread.

  13. Mark Loader
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    Mark Loader New Member

    Just for the record I sail on Wednesday afternoons at South of Perth Yacht Club one of the other yachts "The Avenue" is skippered by Len Randell and he occasionally sails with us on the 113 year old Eun Na Mara, Len is now 95 and still very active and a very competitive skipper. I'm gathering any info people want to share about their experieinces with Len and/or his yachts with a view to putting together a history of Len and his amazing vessels. I went to school with and sailed against his son Mark in Pelicans in the late 60's Mark's boat was called "Bubbles"
  14. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    95 and still very competitive ? I'll have what he's having !

  15. JRL70
    Joined: Jun 2020
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    JRL70 New Member

    Hi all, I am new to this forum. Looking for help finding plans of a Len Randell 52 foot aluminium yacht designed for mr. John van Kasteren in 1973.
    We recently bought this boat and are planning to restore it to its original glory. The lines plan and the accommodations plan came with the boat. We are looking for deck layout and rigging plan in particular but would love to have the complete drawing set of this boat. Anyone?
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