Lake & bay Nova grande hull

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Zeinmarine, Jun 17, 2016.

  1. Zeinmarine
    Joined: Jun 2016
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    Zeinmarine Junior Member

    Hello everyone
    I have an urgent request for a 20 ft lake& bay boca grande hull only
    If someone got one or knows somebody who does would be great
    Thanks a lot
  2. Ajr31
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    Ajr31 Junior Member

    20' boca grande pocket hull

    If you haven't already found one. I have mine for sale. I'll post a few pics when I get a chance. It's a 91 hull and has a 2004 mercury 250xs racing motor (548hrs) 82lb Trolling motor, 8ft powerpole.
    But if you just want the hull I'm sure I can figure something out.
  3. Zeinmarine
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    Zeinmarine Junior Member

    hi Ajr31
    thank you for your reply , unfortunately i only need the hull , so i you have one or can locate one for me that would be great but please make sure its a 20 ft and the transom notch pocket is exactly like in the photo attached


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  4. Ajr31
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    Ajr31 Junior Member

    20' boca grande pocket hull

    That's exactly what I have. I can sell you just the hull. How much are you looking to spend?
  5. Zeinmarine
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    Zeinmarine Junior Member

    How much are you asking ?
    Can you send some photos pls?
  6. Ajr31
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    Ajr31 Junior Member

    20' boca grande

    I'm looking to get $17k for the hull. And as soon as I'm done with work I'll post a few pics. That notch is called a pocket hull which makes the boat faster. I just recently stripped the console down and have started fiberglassing the old gauges holes and any scratches and dings. Kinda giving the boat an overhaul and prepping it for SeaDek on the deck of the hull. Was basically gonna redo everything until my buddy came across your post and sent it to me. Anyways just wondering where you were located?
  7. Zeinmarine
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    Zeinmarine Junior Member

    I am located in Dubai UAE
    What you are asking it way over the budget I have for this hull since there will be lots of other expenses involved
    Anyhow if you come across a wayyyy cheaper hull please let me know
    I would really appreciate it
  8. Ajr31
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    Ajr31 Junior Member

    What is your price range? I don't know of any for less than $15k.
  9. Zeinmarine
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    Zeinmarine Junior Member

    The one in the photo was sold for 5k
  10. Ajr31
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    Ajr31 Junior Member

    Wow! So even at $13k I'd still be way out your range I'm assuming?
  11. Zeinmarine
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    Zeinmarine Junior Member

    Yes , I wouldn't mind paying a bit more but not up to that , what I really need it just a clean hull bottom , I do not care about the inside it could be the crappiest from inside even without a anything
  12. Ajr31
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    Ajr31 Junior Member

    So my assumptions were right. You just need it to make a mold. Well I completely understand. Well let me know what your top $$ is and I'll think about it. Good talking to ya.
  13. cor21e
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    cor21e New Member

    There is no way you are going to find a genuine 1990's lake and bay for under $15k. I have a 1993 and wouldn't let it go for under $30k. They are the best flats boats ever made, and they are 40 year+ boats.

  14. cor21e
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    cor21e New Member

    also the boat in your picture is not a lake and bay boca grande.

    that is why it sold for so cheap.
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