Kurt Hughes passenger trimaran concept

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Corley, Sep 13, 2012.

  1. Corley
    Joined: Oct 2009
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    Corley epoxy coated

    I see no problem of questioning the SOR of the design obviously I dont know what it is as it's not listed on the blog post. I too am a bit surprised by the foam sandwich aspect and would have thought the boat could be more economically constructed using the cylinder mold method out of local sourced plywood.
  2. Silver Raven
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    Silver Raven Senior Member

    Gooday 'A-H' - nice tro see you in here & being a level-head - Gawd knows - we all (in here) need sound advice - from time to time.

    Although I personally can't see me owning one - they are a very - 'purpose styled' useful vessel - as I see it. Vwey 'stylised' & usefully practice & most imp[ortantly at a relevant cost - affordable in the economic areas that they are used.

    As I've stated before - I wish I had a few weeks to explore the 'P-I' island areas in one of these lovely craft.

    Corley - don't let the - ever so -'grubby lowest common denominator's' bother you. I - for one will ask 'rx-composites' many questions & see if I can learn lots more about these interesting craft.

    Many of us say - A Big Thank You for Posting ! ! ! - Especially me.

    Lighten-up all you knockers - life really is to short - to see everything that you didn't bring-up - - as a negative - which of course - it is not.

    Go sailing - get out in the sunshine - eat well - get a smile on y'ur-dial & enjoy your sailing or what-ever activities you like, ciao, james

    PS Thanks - 'A-H' - great level headed observations, I really appreciate

    Extra Thanks kCorley - I'm still learning from all kthe pic included in the link ! , jj
  3. Silver Raven
    Joined: Oct 2011
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    Silver Raven Senior Member

    Gooday 'R-S' . Have you any idea about any of your comments ??? If so - Please - one at a time - explain them to me. I've only been involved in the 'playing-with-boats' industry - as my primary income - for over 40 years now. Oh & yes I do know the area - - however - I make a large cash wager - that you don't.

    Not one of yor questions has any relevant value. Your attitude in these forums is a 'blight' on all the rest of us.

    Your questions are very immature - for sure.

    Answer to #1/ - Many of us in here are in fact involved in marketing & have successfully been so for many years now & in many countries around the world. Have you ever been involved in any professional sales - so that you might have the ability to make a critical comment ??? Probably not ! !

    #2/ No we don't know "everyone" in the Philippines - however - we do know enough professionals on the ground to be able to make an informed comment - which is much better that what you are falsely attempting to do.

    #3/ Twaddle to you - you sure don't have any boat, yacht, launch, ship design knowledge at all - for this comment is just so totally wrong in every way.

    Nothing ever new - everything a copy - everyhting's been done before ??? What planet do you live on ??? - not this one for sure. What part of the - greater yachting movement - have you missed in the last 35 years ??? All of it - I'd suspect ! ! ! People like you should stay where you are - under a big rock somewhere - anywhere - but by all means please just stay there.

    #4/ Have you ever made any attempt to comtact Kurt ??? Why would you make such a comment - unless you have in fact - attempted to personally contact him directly & then - got a direct & relevant answer to your contact-questions. Don't bother going to - to much trouble to answer that one - as I can & will do it - on your behalf - No you have not in fact contacted Kurt directly nor have you ever tried. Since you don't know what your talking about - why make a 'crap' comment ??? - other than to see your rubbish in print.

    What - have you brought to the table here - that is of any constructive use. NOTHGING - Bring something useful forward & we'll all learn from you in-put.
    ciao, james
  4. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    I do indeed count myself lucky in that regard. The PI are beautiful, like their people. Warm and friendly and always smiling. The islands are just jewels in the lukewarm blue sea. The best snorkeling in the world Ive ever done has been in the PI. Better than Barrier Reef and Caribbean too, in my opinion. Easier access too. Just walk 3m from the shore and you're in 10m of water!

    That's half the problem. Those by KH, assuming it was ever able to fulfill a proper SOR, would be "affordable" perhaps, to us "westerners". But to the local Filipino...way wayyyyy too much. They go to the woods, just off from the beach, past the mangroves. Cut down some large trees, free....walk past the thick fast growing bamboo, cut these down, free, and lash them together with vines, free, and then cut out the tree to form a hull, free.

    Their only cost is the 2nd hand refreb'd engine and a lick of paint.

    Even the more "professional ones" are cheap, compared to western prices of boats. They also lack any safety aspect, in every regard. This as always drives up the price.

    We all love and think how quaint these indigenous boats are, which they are of course; I love them. Until disaster strikes of course and everyone is then pointing fingers. Rather than taking stock and looking at the boat and thinking, before going abroad, should 'I' be on this boat if XX or YY happens? The fantasy is then suddenly gone when one realise the lack of personal safety on these boats :eek:

    I love travelling on them, BUT, i always make sure I am sat outside so I can jump into the sea quickly if required. Luckily, the sea is as warm as bath water :D.
  5. ThomD
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    ThomD Senior Member

    Obviously the bancas are nicer, but they are also powered by engines. I would imagine a large hotel like a Four Seasons would be the kind of client. While we all want boats to look right. It is a big world out there, and probably most of the juice is behind projects that make little sense to people like us. What if the most profitable small boat charter turns out to be the Pirates of the Caribean ride at Dysney. Still could pay the bills or be fun to work on.

  6. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    Only for private hire to go snorkeling or diving. But this is not exclusive to "big " chain hotels. I hired one when snorkeling off Malapascua yet stayed in a $5 a night hut. Had the whole Banca to ourselves.

    Hotels like FS prefer to get their clients into "expensive" looking 'modern' boats when they can, to charge them more money!! :eek:
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