keel fin design,foil shape and surface area for a given amount of sail area.

Discussion in 'Hydrodynamics and Aerodynamics' started by RumnCoke, Jun 5, 2018.

  1. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Yes, I mean well before yesterday.
    @RumnCoke, I did not remember trying to do any calculations for you but I did seem to remember those shapes, that color and the lines that define your model. I'm sorry I was not able to help you. Maybe another time?
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2018
  2. RumnCoke
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    RumnCoke Junior Member

    @TANSL Ummm, no, I did not have anything in a Cad file. That is what I was looking for help with. Otherwise, this pic is a first for this hull. You had attempted to help me back in 2013.
  3. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Forgive my curiosity, I would like to know how you got that pic without having a CAD program. Or the only thing you have is that pic?
  4. RumnCoke
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    RumnCoke Junior Member

    Hah, that is what I was telling you. I gave the curves at 13 stations on Paper. This was then translated into a 3D program. Not the kind of work I am capable of. The file was then sent back to me as an fbm file that I could open with Freeship. I merely took a screenshot without any of the stations, hydrostatic features, or the control net. This is what you see.
  5. RumnCoke
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    RumnCoke Junior Member

    @TANSL, I have since learned there is a Delftship Sample model of a Marblehead RC model that is screened in green. Could this be your mystery boat? To the casual eye they may look similar, but they are very different in several ways. Only at the stern both boats carry a U shape at that station. Other similarities are nothing but a mistake of perception upon casual observation. DelftShipSample.png
  6. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Yes, it is clear that they are different hulls, not very different but different. It is not worth investigating more. Surely, among the Delftship Samples there is one that has served as the basis for your model in post #13.
    I just made a comment without any second intention. Forget it.

  7. RumnCoke
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    RumnCoke Junior Member

    Well to be honest I thought that was where you might be heading. The answer is a simple no. The basis for my design was drawn up in 1988. I do not even know if DelftShip was around in those days. No matter at all.
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