Katie-J´s refit

Discussion in 'Boatbuilding' started by voodoochile, Jan 14, 2023.

  1. voodoochile
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    voodoochile Junior Member

    and i still got time to scribble the lines for an additional storage unit to stb
    its final shape is still pending due to a decision i have to make regarding the sliding method eventually used for the composting toilet
    Aniway i think the next photos will be able to illustrate what i am going for. Put your 3D glasses on

    storage looking aft
    stb storage unit looking aft.jpeg

    looking fwd
    this is bit that might make me alter the final shape and volume, as i need to know the toilet fronting wall (if that makes any sense) to understand how i can terminate the fwd end of the floor locker
    stb storage unit.jpeg
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  2. voodoochile
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    voodoochile Junior Member

  3. Will Gilmore
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    Will Gilmore Senior Member

    I am blown away by your work. Katie-J is beautiful.

    I do art, a little woodworking, and pyrography. When I bought Dragonfly, my Mariner 19, I decided she needed new hatch boards and they should be a central feature of the Mariner's large cockpit. Your beautiful Katie-J has such a sweet main hatch, I hope you do something unique and special to show her off.
    20180307_201521.jpg 20180403_121732.jpg 20180911_175008.jpg

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  4. voodoochile
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    voodoochile Junior Member

    Hello Will

    Thanks for your kind words.
    Really enjoyed your art, thats some fine work there

    You are right about how iconic the main hatch of Pioneers 9 are and i intend to pay attention to it
    A new one will be done of a single piece of good marine grade plywood. The boat is being refitted as a go anywhere boat, and in my book, if a thing doesnt have a second use , well, you either throw it away or you think harder about how to use it.
    Maintaining it as a single piece will enable me to turn it into a table inside the main cabin.
    When not in use as the main hatch or table it will be placed as the door between the main cabin and v bert. i will do that with some quick release hinges. 3 uses so far.
    There is a 4 h and final ( i think) use for it. It will be the nesting place3 for a what a call a "passage table", ie, a similar countoured table but way smaller in area, to be used in the cockpit for passages, allowing for cup holding, screens, whatever other items

    As for the aesthetics, i reckon it will be the only seriously varnished piece on the boat, with Epifanes products, and for sure the only glossy one as im a fan of the rubbed /satin effect.

    Maybe i will get some idea (yet to form) suitable for CNC machining to decorate it by, playing with clear epoxy and pigments.

    The boat will have a logo.
    I didnt change the name of the boat because Katie J sounds just like a sexy sailor pin-up to me, so i reckon you can guess which way the logo will be. I have yet to find the artist but maybe you could contribute in that department, you sure have the skill set!!

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  5. Will Gilmore
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    Will Gilmore Senior Member

    Considering Katie-J's origins, I would be incline to do something like ancient Norse knotwork around the edge,
    with Katie-J as a Valkyrie.

    That distinctive hatchway does look like something a Norse dwarf from legends would craft.

  6. voodoochile
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    voodoochile Junior Member

    Well, you got me thinking about some elaborate countoring for the main hatch, but i really want to keep to a nautical theme. i really enjoy norse mythology, LOTR, etc, but its not for this boat.
    This is one is defo a tattoed pin up with some esotheric elements from hinduism
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  7. Will Gilmore
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    Will Gilmore Senior Member

    I had included a photo of a mermaid weather station, cherry inlaid with maple and mother of pearl, that I did for a customer, but the mods must have deemed her too... progressive, to let her stay.

    She is currently sailing towards the Cape Verde Islands on a N. America to Europe and back sail. It's to bad she is a beauty.

  8. voodoochile
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    voodoochile Junior Member

    ok...so thats the reason why it disapeared! i still got to see her dont worry. And i really liked her, which must make me an post-progressive kinda guy, the type that takes in stuff as they are ;)
    Katie J sure would need curves like that, but i need her to be a bit more misterious.
    i lke this shape

    lots of leg space for a tattoo of the main 7 chackras
    Basic human chakra system. 7 chakras. Set of seven chakra symbols of human body. Root, Navel, Solar plexus, Heart, Throat, Third eye, Crown https://depositphotos.com/vector/basic-human-chakra-system-7-chakras-set-of-seven-chakra-symbols-of-human-body-root-302985826.html

    and to wrap a king cobra around them
    the final 2 elements would be a crescent moon and a trident
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 6, 2023
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  9. Boat Design Net Moderator
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    Boat Design Net Moderator Moderator

    Sorry Will, it sounds silly; yours was a great drawing, but a few years ago someone uploaded a cartoon that was too racy and we got into trouble because machine recognition (I think) tagged the site as not family-friendly/work-safe which has detrimental consequences. Sorry! On a related note voodoochile, we have to be careful also that we don't get attachments of stock photo sites when attaching would violate the stock photo site's copyright/terms of use if it's not specifically permitted. Sorry for all the rules in this world we live in! Now carry on, sorry for the interruption...
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  10. voodoochile
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    voodoochile Junior Member

    thanks for stepping in and explaining your side of things.
    i get the copyright motive better than the racy one. IP is IP and it should be protected, even if what i did was , at least, intended as harmless.
    rules...yeah....i like them, otoh there are too many and too many ppl following (some of) them
  11. Will Gilmore
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    Will Gilmore Senior Member

    No problem. My customer had me redo the concept drawings several times because I hadn't made her alluring enough: "No hair covering her..."

    Here's a more family friendly glimpse
    IMG-20210401-WA0014.jpeg IMG-20210401-WA0012.jpeg

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  12. voodoochile
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    voodoochile Junior Member

    peek into the future

    stb side cabinets cad plotting
    trasnfering to G10.jpg

    after cutting the openings
    after cut and rough fit.jpg

    lots more will have to be done until this piece is glassed in, mainly about the cabinets lids hinges and so forth, but this is a close depiction of the end result. i can say that im happy with the final volume created by the 6 individual spaces. much more than the original design afforded
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  13. voodoochile
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    voodoochile Junior Member

    closing the water tank

    lining the fwd section with the appropriate epoxy based product
    epoxy lining fwd section.jpg

    laminating the lids
    as usual 2 layers of 400gsm biaxial cloth was used to tab everything together.
    lids are done in 3mm G10 sheet
    laminating lids.jpg
    laminating lids 2.jpg
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  14. voodoochile
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    voodoochile Junior Member

  15. voodoochile
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    voodoochile Junior Member

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