Jet drive manufacturers offering dynamic positioning?

Discussion in 'Jet Drives' started by RSD, Dec 7, 2022.

  1. RSD
    Joined: Nov 2022
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    Location: Red Sea, Egypt

    RSD Senior Member

    Besides Hamilton's AVX system, do any other jet drive manufacturers offer a dynamic positioning system? Here in Egypt you quickly learn that plug and play all from one manufacturer is the way to go on absolutely everything - mix and match at your peril as there is a lack of technical support to unravel mismatches, tweak things and so forth.
  2. comfisherman
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    comfisherman Senior Member

    To my knowledge on small scale jets Hamilton is about it for top down integration. Dunno what your budget is. But 2x Hamilton jets with some diesels and the joystick position hold system makes an equivalent outboard system look positively budget.

    Single cummins with gear is probably close to 2x outboards, let alone jets...
  3. RSD
    Joined: Nov 2022
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    RSD Senior Member

    Many thanks - getting an idea of pricing has been one of the problems with jets so your post really helps. We've just found out that the coast guard have put a limit on allowed outboard hp now - sounds like some clown did something naughty with using a boat with several huge outboards and they have wrecked it for everyone, the new limit of max 300hp outboards means that we would need four outboards to power what we want so we now have to look at inboard diesels.
  4. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    @RSD dare I ask what your budget for this boat is?
    If you now find that you need 1,200 hp in total (that is a LOT of power for a 12 metre long boat!) the cost is going to go up significantly, compared to a more 'simple' boat.
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2022
  5. comfisherman
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    comfisherman Senior Member

    550 hp pumped up 6.7 fpts and Hamilton jets and gears run 170 ish, cummins will put it over 200k. Add in the joystick system and you can get pretty spendy.

    Quad suzukis even with all the prices increases are couple grand over 100k with the ability to match postion hold system to whomever system you like.
  6. Barry
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    Barry Senior Member

    The diesel combo seem pretty high.
    Perhaps the OP could go with gas, say a pair of 5.7, estimated cost under 15k each, and a pair of 212's depending on his all up weight. I have not priced a 212 for many years, but I would expect each unit to run
    under $10k US

    So $50k for a propulsion system.

    I am also curious about 1200 horsepower.

    We had a 40 foot aluminum monohull. If I remember correctly, close to 35,000 pounds, with twin 350 hp, Volvo duoprops. Cruised at 20 knots, but could easily get into the high 30 knots
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2022

  7. comfisherman
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    comfisherman Senior Member

    Gas is a bit cheaper on the engines but bare block 7.4s can get you to 500 hp, but base block is still 22k. Then you're still gonna need gears and jets in the 270 class. So you'll save maybe 15 to 20 a side so shave off 40k from my numbers. It's definitely a savings.

    Guys up here were enticed by the price tag , when fuel was cheap a fair bit of new bow pickers in similar weight and size to what the op has been inferring. Second hand market gives a clue as to how well they worked over time, they sell for a premium well below what was saved on initial purchase price. They are almost always sold with a spare swing engine, something diesel owners gave up when we weaned ourselves from pumped up Jimmy's in the 90s.
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