Jabsco 4528 impeller pin, does it push or thread in

Discussion in 'Propulsion' started by sdowney717, Jul 3, 2018.

  1. sdowney717
    Joined: Nov 2010
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    sdowney717 Senior Member

    I modified my MCCK D drive pump to work with a pin drive impeller.
    I successfully using a dremel , screwdrivers, hammers, cut a slot and opened the ears, filed, ground then reformed to the proper shape for it to work.

    But this impeller I noticed the pin is held only by the rubber, not threaded into the brass. Is that the way they are supposed to be? I used some instant glue to secure the pin to the brass, dont like the idea it might slip sideways.
    Looking at pictures of a 4528, some show the pin separate, some sitting in the impeller.

    20180629_132141.jpg 20180703_153310_5.jpg
  2. sdowney717
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    sdowney717 Senior Member

  3. sdowney717
    Joined: Nov 2010
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    sdowney717 Senior Member

    Went for a 5 hour boat ride, gen worked fine the whole time with the new impeller design.
    I glued pin in with some instant glue, just in case.
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