J24 Vermiculite?

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by Nick.K, Apr 9, 2015.

  1. Nick.K
    Joined: May 2011
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    Nick.K Senior Member

    I have been offered an early J24 (Westerly moulding) for about the cost of a decent used Optimist. The boat has been stored in a hay shed for years and apart from bird droppings is pretty clean. Hull is not painted and not many battle scars. Deck felt firm and no obvious cracks.
    No visible signs of heavy grounding or hull/keel damage. Mast ok, sails very old but useable.
    All looked good till I looked at the keel inside. The sump had a bit of water in it (probably condensate) but there was an ominous looking gap around the edge of the floor pan to hull joint. When I poked at it, it disintegrated in to a grey mush.

    I take it that this is the "vermiculite keel" issue?

    Has anyone out there done this job on an early Westerly moulded J24. I'd like to know what is involved before taking it on.

    I won't be racing it, fun sailing only.

  2. waikikin
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    waikikin Senior Member

    There's some info over at SA on vermiculite keel issues.....

  3. Canracer
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    Canracer Senior Member

    **** man, if he wanted to hang at SA he would have gone there first.
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  4. Nick.K
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    Nick.K Senior Member

    Thanks for the input....but where/what is SA?

  5. Canracer
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    Canracer Senior Member

    Nick.K, I just googled "vermiculite keel issues" and got many relevant results. It's appears to be a common repair with alot of documented projects.
  6. Nick.K
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    Nick.K Senior Member

    It seems the construction evolved a bit as the issues were discovered. Some hulls have more core than others, in some the vermiculite was used widely through the bilge and in others just in the keel cavity.
    So back to the original post; can anyone shed light on the early Westerly J24 hulls. I can't rip it apart before buying! Just want to know what I'd be letting myself in for.
  7. Canracer
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    Canracer Senior Member

    You said that when you poked at it, it crumbled apart. That all has to be removed. I read that it takes a professional shop 17 to 20 hours to make the repair and more than that for an at home project. They said it's not complex or expensive, but it does take a good amount of time. If you have the space and the time, then why not go for it.

    I'd offer 500 American.
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  8. waikikin
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    waikikin Senior Member


    That's "sailing anarchy"

    be prepared for abuse, derision & other puerile stuff...... plenty of wheat amongst the chaff though.......

  9. waikikin
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    waikikin Senior Member

    Just make an offer based on worst case scenario....... probably about the cost/value of a used optimist, couple of grand Aus........ Pounds of fun!

  10. Nick.K
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    Nick.K Senior Member

    Good advice! Only thing is, I sold a small cruiser at the end of last year and with the summer rapidly approaching I'd rather be sailing than fixing up. But then as canracer pointed out, there's lots about it on the net and it doesn't look too frightening. I was just hoping to hear from someone who had actually done it.
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