It's enough to make you cry

Discussion in 'Sterndrives' started by DogCavalry, Mar 8, 2021.

  1. DogCavalry
    Joined: Sep 2019
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    DogCavalry Senior Member

    What barbarian left these submerged?
    I can't even afford them, and someone thought they were worthless.
  2. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    I see that a lot around here. That usually means someone had a catastrophic health issue and the relatives didn't consider the patient's property's maintenance requirements.
  3. missinginaction
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    missinginaction Senior Member

    Some good comes from almost every situation. Whoever owned that rig did something that I have never thought about, and I think a lot. He (assuming it's a guy) thought to put zincs or magnesium on his swim platform supports. I'll bet that hoytedow is right and something happened suddenly. Why would someone go to the trouble of installing those zincs and then let the drives and probably other stuff go to hell? So here I am drinking my morning coffee and putting 4 fittings on my shopping list. A good start to the day.

    Not for the reason you think but thanks for posting this Dog!

  4. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    Another thing that happens is a slip payment or six gets missed and suddenly, the guy needs more and more cash. The marina doesn't have the desire to yank the boat immediately or can't and the guy is too proud to call them. But it is another reason I am glad to be putting outboards on. As long as you raise them out and give them a bit of a washdown; one would hope they never rot that bad.
  5. DogCavalry
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    DogCavalry Senior Member

    I think this boat will be picked over and scrapped. But those contraprop legs are probably beyond saving. And if not, the props are long gone.
  6. baeckmo
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    baeckmo Hydrodynamics

    If you look closer, you'll see a big difference between the two: the port one has seen galvanic corrosion, probably a ground fault in the landbased system, or internal DC leakage in addition to crevice corrosion under the barnacles (one supporting the other), while the SB shows just barnacle "footprints".
    philSweet, DogCavalry and BlueBell like this.
  7. BlueBell
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    BlueBell . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _

    Things that make DogC go hmmmmmmm...

    I love the speculation, human nature is grand.
    Maybe (s)he went in for a sex change,
    was so overwhelmed with emotion form the hormone
    therapy they couldn't get down to the boat.
    Then they moved away and the plans they made for the boat never materialized.
    It was eventually moved to the yard where our intrepid John snapped this photo.
    Ya, I'm convinced that's what happened for sure.
    Now I'm crying!

    Thanks DogC, you rock.

    PS How're the ribs mending? Shoulder? Spleen? Kidneys(s)?
  8. DogCavalry
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    DogCavalry Senior Member

    Everything is mending without complications, so far. Discomfort is the only sign left.
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  9. DogCavalry
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    DogCavalry Senior Member

    Great observation, Baeckmo! I missed that, and I was standing right there. I was able to turn either prop assembly easily by hand, but the deeper corrosion isn't likely survivable.
  10. Barry
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    Barry Senior Member

    If there is no internal corrosion, dry ice blast the surface, replace the rear covers, probably a bunch of them sitting around in scrap heaps, epoxy putty the ventilation plates and anywhere else that there is
    pitting, repaint, rebuild and away you go
  11. DogCavalry
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    DogCavalry Senior Member

    Really? That doesn't sound too terrible.

    Those contraprops really caught my eye. I remember reading a NACA paper on them, from about 1950. Fascinating stuff.

    Anyone recognize them? They'd need 4 new props. Not necessarily a cheap restoration, but I might get them for a song. And all the mechanicals too. At the cost of a pair of comparable outboards, rebuilding these may be a genuine bargain.
  12. baeckmo
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    baeckmo Hydrodynamics

    Exactly, as long as you don't see oil puddles below, they are most often ok inside. I've saved some worse than that, needing attention with some careful TIG welding. As long as you know the location of the bearing and sealing cartridges, it's not too complicated (but don't tell the owner until you have a deal....).

    Perhaps it's one of those poor fellas who can't afford to pay their taxes because the boat, the summerhouse, the quadruple cars, the whatshername and the rest takes it all........

    Btw, what engines sit in front of them, diesel or gas?
  13. Barry
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    Barry Senior Member

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  14. DogCavalry
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    DogCavalry Senior Member

    Volvo... so not cheap trash at all. I'll talk to the yard manager.

  15. BlueBell
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    BlueBell . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _

    Six cylinder inline diesels or gas?
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