Islander sailboats any good?

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by chowdan, Nov 17, 2008.

  1. chowdan
    Joined: Jul 2008
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    chowdan 1980 PAC41 Liveaboard

    Hey everyone,

    I've just recently found a 35' 1969 Islander sailboat for sale. I have no idea on how these yachts sail, or perform. Can anyone give any reviews on these yachts?

    Thanks a bunch,

  2. chowdan
    Joined: Jul 2008
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    chowdan 1980 PAC41 Liveaboard

    Does anyone have any ideas???
  3. water addict
    Joined: Jun 2004
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    water addict Naval Architect

    be careful.

    Islanders of that vintage were of dubious quality. At a minimum, go for a lengthy test sail and have a comprehensive survey done by a reputable marine surveyor.
  4. chowdan
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    chowdan 1980 PAC41 Liveaboard

  5. SquireDude
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    SquireDude New Member

    I36 owner....


    I purchased my I36 back in 1995, it is a 1974 and I love the boat. She is from an era when they didn't know much about fiberglass and overbuilt them.

    Before I turned her into a cruiser I raced her in the Marine del Ray Wednesday night beer can races and managed to trophy 48% over a 2 year period in the PHRF Class B boats. Not a small feat.

    I converted her into a cruiser, put lots of toys and comforts on her and weighed he down and additional 8.75 inches beyond her original water line. I have over 14,000 miles under her keep including one successful trip from California to Auckland New Zealand in 1997/8 season. Set the record for the 2,843 miles from Cabo San Lucas to Hiva Oaha in 20 days, 8 hears.

    I am now readying her again for another cruise from Ca. to Fiji this time.

    There is also a very active fleet of avid Islander owners and racers in San Fransisco who would fight you tooth and nail as to the I36 usefulness. as I will.

  6. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    They are well built boats. One of the places to check is the deck under the mast step. It is a usual place for water intrusion and rot.
  7. SquireDude
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    SquireDude New Member

    New Mast after return from NZ


    Good point. My mast base turned out to me a concrete slap instead of the usual plywood. So there were no worries. I actually had a new mast made after I had Mouse Pad returned from my NZ trip.


  8. SquireDude
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    SquireDude New Member

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