Is Brupeg ice class?

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by ef1, Sep 17, 2021.

  1. ef1
    Joined: Sep 2021
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    ef1 New Member

    Hello, I've been watching Sailing Brupeg and a question came to mind that I thought you fine folks might have an answer to: Is their boat really capable of handling northern climates year-round? Their boat specs are here: . The website claims they have "ice plating," but there aren't any videos of that time when they added the plating. And newer videos don't seem to show the extra plating? Or maybe I'm just blind... I'm under the impression that there are very few boats that can do this and even those boats, save the monstrous ice breakers, are required to be escorted by the Canadian Coast Guard or something along those lines?
  2. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Reinforcement for ice usually consists of increasing the thickness of the plates and adding intermediate frames over the "normal" ones. Planks are not "added" but their thickness is increased. Therefore, it is not easy to guess from the outside whether this reinforcement exists
  3. comfisherman
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    comfisherman Senior Member

    From the specifications it has a belt. Usually added on to hulls as a bit of insurance against the occasional ice interaction. Pretty common up in some of the northern areas, it's not "ice class" it's more just in case of ice could we bump one and then get outta there. My new build will likely have a similar belt. Not intended for ice work just intended for the stray surface interaction once every few years.

    Fished on a ice class crabber back in the day, not many were made. They were extremely heavy, the plating extremely thick. Props were tucked up in pockets and everything was designed for ice interaction. The payload for fish was significantly less due to all the excess weight we packed around. Handy when the fishery was in the ice, not needed the rest of the time.

    To truly be ice class they would have had to really up the plating, stringers and prop protection. But that link was to a fundraising page, they usually read about like a televangelist or political party page, and should be taken with roughly the same credibility.

    It has an 8mm plate extending in the dimensions listed, take it for what it's worth in your own mind.
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