Interior Designer with a Yacht / Boat Specialisms?

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by sautho30, Oct 8, 2014.

  1. sautho30
    Joined: Oct 2014
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    sautho30 New Member

    Good day. I am currently in my 4th year of education studying MDes Interior Architecture & Spatial Design and am looking to specialise in interior design within Yachts and Boats. I have a few questions, if anyone could kindly help it would be very much appreciated.

    Firstly how does the process of fit out happen and who by? From my research it appears too often be by people with engineering backgrounds?

    Secondly is there a market for interior design in this field? I understand there are companies that do this but they are limited and hard to get into.

    If you are already doing this I would love to hear your experiences etc.

    I hope I have posted this in the right place and look forward to hearing back.

    Many thanks Tom :)
  2. Alik
    Joined: Jul 2003
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    Alik Senior Member

    In our practice, interior designer works as team member in yacht design office. There are few interior design offices doing only interior work, but I believe they are sharing superyacht projects with architectural.

    I would clearly separate interior design form interior styling as well. Interior designer, besides choosing style and color of wallpaper and material sampling, is also required to produce drawings of furniture, weight calculations for interior items, cooperate with structural team and systems engineers for air ducts, piping space and combining accommodations with structural elements. It is quite complicated job and requires more than just a good taste and talent to art; it requires knowledge of how boat interiors work, and sound knowledge of regulations say in respect to escape routes and visibility from steering station.

    There is a good correspondence course on boat interior design from Westlawn Institute. Highly recommended and would be valuable addition to Uni degree in design.
  3. keysdisease
    Joined: Mar 2006
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    keysdisease Senior Member

    Along with what Alik said passive fire protection and noise control are also integrated into interior design. The flammability of various products and where they will be used in many cases must meet class requirements. This is very important in galleys and laundry's as well as aux machinery spaces. Noise control is also challenging, and not just from engines but air handlers, between cabins, plumbing,etc.


  4. Alik
    Joined: Jul 2003
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    Alik Senior Member

    Exactly right!

    Want to be boat interior designer? Have to learn a lot about boat specifics!

    We have too limited space, tight weight budgets and strict safety requirements. Practicality matters - think about injuries from sharp corners on furniture, think about rails around shelves and tables. You like space? Think about how far You will fly in saloon of boat that is moving. High speed craft? Think about location of seating, bar counters, tables, etc. to avoid shifting. Toilet bowl must look forward or aft on planing powerboat, and sideways on monohull sailing yacht!

    So, take a challenge!
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