Inflatable A-class and other inflatable multihulls from ex-USSR

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Nnnnnnnn, Aug 21, 2013.

  1. Nnnnnnnn
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    Nnnnnnnn Junior Member

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  2. Nnnnnnnn
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    Nnnnnnnn Junior Member

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  3. Petros
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    Petros Senior Member

    looks like a nice design, simple set up too. I do not see a dagger board, does it have one?
  4. jonr
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    jonr Senior Member

    It looks like these are inflatable in the sense that air pressure is used to make the hull more rigid at a reasonable weight. I've thought that pressurized air filled fiberglass hulls could work the same way.
  5. Nnnnnnnn
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    Nnnnnnnn Junior Member

    Yes. Suspended under central tube. You can see it on second foto.
  6. Squidly-Diddly
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    Squidly-Diddly Senior Member


    You might be on to something. I've heard some liquid fueled rockets (ICBMs?) relied on pressure from fuel to add strength like a balloon.
  7. El_Guero

    El_Guero Previous Member


    Что? Вы думаете, что я говорю по русскии?

  8. Nnnnnnnn
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    Nnnnnnnn Junior Member

    As свідомий українець you must use "mova". Something like that:
    Що? Я москальську мову не розумію. :D

    Ukrainian builder site. Have english-language version
    some pictures of Ducky boats

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  9. Nnnnnnnn
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    Nnnnnnnn Junior Member

    When deflated this hulls can be folded or rolled for transportation or storage. Something like red rolls on the picture.

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  10. El_Guero

    El_Guero Previous Member


    Russian is difficult enough! I will try Ukrainian in 2 years.

    So, that tells me you have Ukrainian roots .... Yes?
  11. El_Guero

    El_Guero Previous Member

  12. Nnnnnnnn
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    Nnnnnnnn Junior Member

    We cannot live here without some ICBMs in our backyard ;)
    Even if we sail multihulls.
    Catamaran Prostor - non-licensed Catapult "po russkie". In Soviet times mass produced (several thousands) as by-product by NPO Energomash - one of our main builders of jet-engines for space. Now USA use this engines on first stage of “Atlas” launch-vehicle.

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  13. Nnnnnnnn
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    Nnnnnnnn Junior Member

    Ha-ha! Study both languages simultaneously, with two pretty teachers. Much more fun ;)

    No, may be to only slight extent. But almost every Russian-speaker will understand Ukrainian and vice versa.
    My roots are mostly Tartar. But also Russian, Bashkir etc. etc. including my grand-grand-… -grandmother which my grand-grand-… -grandfather had found somewhere in France during Napoleonic wars.
    So, as Russian proverb says: “Scratch the Russian and you will find the Tatrar” :)
  14. El_Guero

    El_Guero Previous Member

    And the Ukrainian .... :)

    In France during the wars .... The West has no idea of Eastern history. It is so much fun being over there. I miss it.

    Two pretty teachers .... now that is a great idea!

  15. Nnnnnnnn
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    Nnnnnnnn Junior Member

    Other mass-production soviet-era boat – Albatros. Made in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
    Original version

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