Import Rhino file to Shipconstructor issue

Discussion in 'Software' started by thanhttdt, Jun 10, 2020.

  1. thanhttdt
    Joined: May 2020
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    thanhttdt New Member

    Hi everyone,

    I import rhino file to shipconstructor to expand the hull outer plate. In Rhino, surfaces join together, but after importing to shipconstructor, these surfaces are separated. I want these surfaces still join together, so how to do it like that?

    Many thanks.
  2. Alexanov
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    Alexanov Senior Member

    If I understand it correctly hull shape has been change after you import surface fro Rhino to Shipconstructor?
  3. thanhttdt
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    thanhttdt New Member

    Actually, this is a 3D ship's hull form that made in Autoship. Surfaces (1), (2), (3) are joined together.
    If I import this file to Shipconstructor to do plate expanding, it is ok.
    But if I import this file to Rhino, surface (1), (2) and (3) is separated.
    In fact, the intersection edge between surface (1) and (2) is not a welded line,
    so, if I import rhino file to shipconstructor, I have to find the way to join these surfaces again.

    Attached Files:

  4. DCockey
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    DCockey Senior Member

    Can you use the Join command in Rhino to join the surfaces together? Are the surfaces trimmed or untrimmed? How much knowledge do you have of Rhino?

    Are the units changed when the file is imported into Rhino?
  5. thanhttdt
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    thanhttdt New Member

    Hi David,
    Even using Join command in Rhino, after importing to Shipconstructor (Hull menu) these surfaces will separate.
    Unit should be the same between two software.

  6. Alexanov
    Joined: Feb 2003
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    Alexanov Senior Member

    What kind of file type do you use to import Autoship model into ShipConstructor?
    Can it be that when you import it to Rhino you just loosen some links between surfaces?
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