Identify my boat please

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by trapps, Jul 18, 2011.

  1. trapps
    Joined: Jul 2011
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    trapps New Member

    I have just received a 19' Sailboat the number on the back Is TGA 13312 7/78
    It has a baby blue hull the mast is 27 1/2 ' the beam is 6'8" I will post pics when I figure out how , Thanks
  2. keysdisease
    Joined: Mar 2006
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    keysdisease Senior Member

    The US Coast Guard shows no record of an HIN manufacturer ID of TGA.

    The first 3 letters designate the manufacturer and the last 2 digits the year manufactured.

    You boat may have been built in 1978.

  3. Saildude
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    Saildude Junior Member

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  4. trapps
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    trapps New Member


  5. sonosail
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    sonosail SONOSAIL

    Mystery boat by Allen Boat Co.

    Without a photo, this can only be a guess, but there is a good chance that what you have it a Lightning class sloop. These have been built by Allen Boat Co. of Buffalo NY, for many years. I think they are still in business. It's still a very active class, so you should have no trouble finding a picture of one on the net and make a comparison.

    Randy Browning
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