I want to design a boat what software can i use for my computer

Discussion in 'Software' started by giancarlolahoz, Feb 20, 2005.

  1. giancarlolahoz
    Joined: Feb 2005
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    giancarlolahoz New Member

    I want to build a boat but im tired of drawing plans by hand what software can i use in order to do it in my computer
  2. Jeff
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    Jeff Moderator

    First, start by visiting each site linked in this post and download a demo for each and see which one fits your needs and preferences the best: http://www.boatdesign.net/forums/showpost.php?p=181&postcount=1 Note that some like Prosurf and Rhino are very affordable, while others cost quite a lot, but it will still be worthwhile for you to see the playing field of what's possible before ultimately selecting your software of choice.
  3. giancarlolahoz
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    giancarlolahoz New Member

    Thank You ver much
  4. Danielsan
    Joined: Jul 2004
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    Danielsan Amateur designer-builder?

    I use Solidworks2001, depending upon what you would like to draw this works relatively fine. AS for now I even found a way to put in place exact glass lay-up Layer by layer by only changing one item. So the exact weight division can be calculated and is handy to export in a excel sheet to make qty. and cost estimate.

    PS I am not a pro and only do this for fun, so my "experience" may be subjective :?:


  5. Dutch Peter
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    Dutch Peter Senior Member

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