I want to build a hammock river raft. See Pic

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by KillaCal, Jul 20, 2012.

  1. KillaCal
    Joined: Jul 2012
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    KillaCal New Member


    Hello Team,

    This is what I would like to design, simply to float down the river in my city. If it does happen to go down I am able to walk it to the side of the river and haul my wreckage out.

    Now great minds unite and give this super newb a good starting point to go create this amazing vessle.


  2. KillaCal
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    KillaCal New Member

    I was thinking ABS piping. Would prefer not to use foam. The big question is how do I attach the piping. Get two sides going then hang the hammock in the middle.

    Things that concern me. How am I going to get out while on the river and get it to the side.... so maybe some more support in the middle underneath the hammock.
  3. rasorinc
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    rasorinc Senior Member

    1st determine the length and width you want. 2nd calculate the tube size needed to float the frame, tubes, hammock, hammock frame, your weight and a full ice chest. Plus paddle. then we can help you with ideas.
    1- 10" plastic pipe, 10' long will float approx. 337 lbs less it's weight. Pi = 3.14 times the radius (5) squared x 120" gives you cubic inches. divide by 1728 (a cubic foot) gives you the number of CF x 62 lbs. fresh water. = flotation in pounds.
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  4. SamSam
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    SamSam Senior Member



    Alcohol. Start with alcohol, continue with alcohol and then finish it with alcohol. When done, wedge a cooler into an intertube, fill it with alcohol and push off from shore.

    You can tell from the photo that this is what they started with (and probably some alcohol)...


    It's possible drugs were also involved.

    No matter what, it's a nice little piece of imagination, I like it.

    Looking closer, I think that's bamboo holding up the canopy.

    Don't forget the flag.

  5. waikikin
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    waikikin Senior Member

    I think it needs more buoyancy than pictured, also maybe a ridge pole for the awning & to take the "squeeze" of the hammock loads, also some square sail set off theawning yards would give down wind propulsion. Jeff.
  6. spidennis
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    spidennis Chief Sawdust Sweeper

    you know the wind ALWAYS blows up river when your floating down, don't you? :confused:
  7. waikikin
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    waikikin Senior Member

    One of the fundamental laws of the universe........... even if you, at the last possible second launch your vessel at your destination rather than your departure point.
  8. spidennis
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    spidennis Chief Sawdust Sweeper

    Oops, I almost jumped the gun with that law (?), as I was only thinking about this happening only in this part of the sphere, I hadn't thought about the other part which includes "down under". ..... so yeah, universal!

    as for the hammock boat, use an old pair of hobie hulls or similar. I would have given you my one of two sets for this but I already gave them to a strike 18 builder. You could be floating the same day you started building! pics please!
  9. waikikin
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    waikikin Senior Member

    Coriolis effect is the only difference from here to there & the wind will veer & back & back & veer from destination to departure on an equally consistance of vice versa & vicky verka. Jeff................
  10. rwatson
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    rwatson Senior Member

    .... and this picture was taken on a calm small lake, with no wind, and no commercial large boats or hard-assed power boat owners to harass you.

    It would be a life-threatening device as is an inflatable mattress in a strong offshore breeze would be.

    As for walking it safely to the shore - any river that shallow next to a city is bound to have a thick slimey bottom full of rusty sharp objects.

    Am I being too pessimistic ? No - not pessimistic enough. I recommend that you build or buy a proven canoe design and get some valuable experience on a craft you can have some control over. Please.

  11. waikikin
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    waikikin Senior Member

    if Cal waits for winter he can skate to shore
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