I need help finishing the desgin work on hull bottom

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Biscayne Boats, Dec 27, 2012.

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  1. Biscayne Boats
    Joined: Nov 2008
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    Biscayne Boats Junior Member

    I started my project with a designer who could not complete the project.

    I need a designer to complete the project.

    The bottom is about 75% where I want it to be.

    The hull is a 19ft shallow water fishing skiff.
  2. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    So what you looking for and where you at ?? :confused:
  3. Biscayne Boats
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    Biscayne Boats Junior Member

    I need someone to finish the 3D cad model of the bottom. I am in Florida in the US.
  4. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    :idea:GO find a uni student from a engineering class that has computer designing skills . its a breeze and he could be a asset to you later !!plus its a practical excise for the student !!:p
  5. Greybarn
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    Greybarn Junior Member

  6. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    The project Mr. Mark Bonafide wishes to finish, is my property. Can you see it exhibited in my gallery. He does not have legal permission to use it. For various reasons I had to cancel my collaboration with Mr. Bonafide, who did not pay me a single dollar for my work, so it does not own the design.
    Have you carefully, therefore, with what you do for Mr. Bonafide.
    I am a professional who always acts in good faith, please do not use my project for the purposes of this gentleman. He can do whatever he wants, of course, but not based on my design.
    Thanks in advance
    Ignacio López (Naval Architect)
  7. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    Interesting concept.

    Different. .
  8. Greybarn
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    Greybarn Junior Member

    If the designer has not been paid, and the client does not own the design, then I have no interest in working on this.....
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  9. Biscayne Boats
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    Biscayne Boats Junior Member


    Dear friend you do not own my concept and I am sorry you we not capable of completing the project. I would be more that happy to post your emails and a copy of our how you were to be paid. Please do not imply in a public forum that you are owed money. You never signed the agreement as well as never met its requirements. After consulting several engineers their opinion is your work is not to a standard the makes it worth my money to repair. I have to start from scratch and redesign the whole boat.
  10. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Mark, dear friend, I do not complain about not having charged for my work. What I'm saying is that you have not paid for the project, you have not purchased it and therefore is not yours and you can not have him. And notice to the other readers of this forum that might have problems if, as you said in your first post, they continue with a design that is made at 75% (these are your words) and that, of course, is mine. I do not know why you say now that my project is useless when you were talking about a project that you had "almost" finished.
    Tell one of those engineers (I would have preferred them to be naval architects) who have examined my project, please explain here in this forum, in the light of the world, what was wrong with my project. You don´t know what you are talking about, but you want to discredit me and that's not honest.
    Of course, if you really start from scratch, I can not say anything. Indeed, I am very happy that you do not use my project. Of course you start from nothing because, as I told you personally and I repeat it here for everyone to know, as you do not know what you want and how to get it and then, it is impossible to work with you.
    With all my love
    Ignacio López
    P.S. : Please note all you want about me, but it's true.
  11. Biscayne Boats
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    Biscayne Boats Junior Member

    I did not start this thread to be hijacked by Ignacio. I have asked the moderators to delete it.

  12. Boat Design Net Moderator
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    Boat Design Net Moderator Moderator

    < thread closed upon request of the OP. It's probably best to resolve the legal/contractual issue first privately or in a proper venue where full documentation is available >
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