I need advice for sailing dinghies

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by M4R1N, Oct 6, 2023.

  1. M4R1N
    Joined: Oct 2023
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    M4R1N Junior Member

    Hello, I just registered to the forum, I had a dream of a Wayfarer, but there are only 2 Wayfarers in Turkey and I have no information about their latest status, so I decided to build one, but later I learned that it is not possible to reach the Wayfarer plans, the alternative is to build the Petrel 16 boat in my mind right now. There are very few details in the plans. I need a paid/free boat plan. I would be happy if you can help me.
  2. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Welcome to the Forum M4R1N (that is a nice takeoff of Marin! :) )

    Here is a link to a very informative thread on the BDF about Petrels -
    1950's 16ft Petrel https://www.boatdesign.net/threads/1950s-16ft-petrel.32990
    The gist of the comments strongly suggest that there are many much better designs available now.
    Do some googling of the various boats mentioned, and see if any of them look appealing to you?

    There are also some nice designs by Paul Fisher here - scroll down to the Stornoway 16, which is similar in some ways to the Wayfarer.
    GP Dinghies over 13' https://www.selway-fisher.com/GPDinghyover13.htm
  3. M4R1N
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    M4R1N Junior Member

    Hello, thank you for your reply. I'm sorry I'm back a little late. My nickname was actually M4RL1N, but I wrote it wrong absentmindedly :)
    As for the plans, I am not really keen on the Stitch And Glue method. I examined the Stornoway plans you mentioned and decided to build Stornoway 16 with the strip planking method. The point that comes to my mind is why you recommended Stornoway 14 instead of Stornoway 16. Frankly, I was curious :) Also, what do you think about the strip planking method? Do you think it is easy to do?

  4. M4R1N
    Joined: Oct 2023
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    M4R1N Junior Member

    When I read your article again, I noticed that you also recommended Stornoway 16. I'm sorry, as I said, I am thinking of building it with the strip planking method. I have always liked round bilge boats.
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