Hybrid Electric Propulsion for Boats, Diesel-Electric, etc

Discussion in 'Hybrid' started by brian eiland, Oct 12, 2011.

  1. brian eiland
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    brian eiland Senior Member

    I was going to just make an additional reply to this older subject thread, but it appears to have strayed off subject in several instances, so I thought a new begining was applicable considering the fellow who really brought this relatively new technology to the yachtng scene has also a new begining.

    First a reference to the extensive, original subject thread that contains lots of information to review:

    Solomon Technologies - "Electric Wheel" electric motor propulsion systems

    And then his new website:
    E Motion Hybrids

    So lets see if we can keep this subject thread straight on the subject of this very interesting future in marine propulsion.
  2. brian eiland
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    brian eiland Senior Member

  3. brian eiland
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    brian eiland Senior Member

    GunBoat application

    I was trying to source the variety of propulsion applications that had been utilized by the GunBoat series of cats, and I was running into difficulties trying to find specific information.

    In meantime I discovered that it appears as though E-Motion systems will appear on some of the new Gunboats:

    Surely these light weight speedsters must be 'counting calories' with respect to battery weights?
  4. Frog4
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    Frog4 Proletariat

    Hydrogen-Electric ...

    quick and dirty setup:

    propane/diesel generator
    - pick a size necessary for your energy reqs
    - replace propane jets with applicably sized hydrogen jets
    - (or) mod diesel genset to run propane/hydrogen
    - off the shelf parts are readily available

    hydrogen generator
    - up-scale/mod setup for required output
    - available from most science/lab/school/medical/research supply houses

    these already exist, PoC's done here in AZ at ASU ...
    research was done thru grant for power management during disaster relief ...
    setup, PoC's and multiple working protos were and still are successfully running ...

    why it wasn't put into production? POLITICS and $$$$ vs. water is FREE
  5. kerosene
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    kerosene Senior Member

    water doesn't turn into hydrogen for free.
  6. Frog4
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    Frog4 Proletariat

    Solar is FREE and so is water ... :)
  7. kerosene
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    kerosene Senior Member

    solar electricity is not free - and would be wasted in inefficient hydrogen conversion.

    You might want to clarify the system you propose instead of cliche complaints of politics.
  8. Frog4
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    Frog4 Proletariat

    in life there are booleaders and cheerleaders ...
  9. kerosene
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    kerosene Senior Member

    what a waste of time. I will step out - hopefully Brian's thread will get back in track.
  10. Frog4
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    Frog4 Proletariat

    Sorry you feel that way, I provided the info and you scoff ... oh well
  11. kerosene
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    kerosene Senior Member

    no I asked for further info/clarification and you suggested that I was being negative nancy.

    edit: I guess I didn't make clear question. Would you clarify the system you propose?
  12. Frog4
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    Frog4 Proletariat

    Solar/Hydrogen production for a standard ICE engine is EASY ... it ain't rocket science, not some "free-energy" device ... the SUNS energy is FREE, the WATER is FREE, the processes used are the labor, and there is an initial investment for equipment, just like your boat and all the wood, labor and time is an investment ...

    F-Cell Mercedes

    This one built by KIDS at college (ASU).

    Those are just 2 off the top, if college kids can build them and Mercedes can build them, and HUNDREDS of others, so can any backyard DIY shade tree builder ... please don't buy into all the poor efficiency hype, these are PROVEN PoC's ...
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2011
  13. Frog4
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    Frog4 Proletariat

  14. Frog4
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    Frog4 Proletariat

  15. Frog4
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    Frog4 Proletariat

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