Humble Request

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Laax, Aug 16, 2016.

  1. Laax
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    Laax Junior Member

    Hello to everyone,

    As i wrote in a previous topic, lately i've found myself very entertained imaging and designing my dream yacht!

    I've changed idea many times about the general layout of the boat and made more than few tries that haven't satisfied me completely

    The hardest thing for me to achieve is a correct 2D shape of the decks, i've tried to use existent layouts of other yachts in order to replicate them on CAD but it never seems right.

    May i ask you to make a simple, outer shape in 2D of the main deck (viewed from the top, like a regular layout) in Autocad (I'm actually using Librecad so i need the DXF format) so i could start the interior layout knowing the boundaries of my design?

    I'm set on a Displacement Hull (i've read that the shape of them is different toward the stern) 8,7 m of max Beam and 41,2 m of LOA.
    Simple shape of the hull, i've found many yachts with strange shapes but i prefer to keep it simple.

    Thank you in advance, i hope to see my request fulfilled!

    Kind regards,
  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Sorry to rain in your parade, but if you have a hard time with a 2D layout, designing a yacht is way beyond your skills. The layout on a boat is not about putting things where they look good only. You need to consider the weights and how they will affect the center of gravity.
  3. Laax
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    Laax Junior Member

    Thank you for your answer!

    Of course this is not a professional thing, it's just something that came up on my mind , think it as a hobby.

    About weight ecc, other members in another thread told me that with this size of vessel i can almost forget about weight distribution ecc.

    The layout is almost symmetrical, it's just "for fun" and of course no real yacht will be created using it. I'd just like to have the outer polyline of the hull since i can't make a satisfying one by myself, so i can have an idea about the lenght and wide of the areas ;)
  4. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Weight distribution is one of the most fundamental elements of vessel design. Are you simply trying to divide a space into rooms with furniture?
  5. nzboy
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    nzboy Senior Member

    Very funny Pity Northern Marine thought it wasnt fundamental When launching Blood Baron
  6. Laax
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    Laax Junior Member

    Yes, we could set it like that ;) can you help me with my request? I assure you this design will never be built so you won't put anyone in danger :p
  7. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Laax, no doubt you have to learn many things but, to encourage you, I will say that many designers today begin their designs with some 2D drawings, even with a handmade drawing with pencil and paper, and still today (and I'm sure that will last long) it is possible to design a boat without 3D models. So, take heart!.
  8. bhnautika
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    bhnautika Senior Member

    Laax is this what you're after, deck and lower deck, scale is in metres

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  9. Laax
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    Laax Junior Member

    Unfortunately becoming a designer by profession at this time is out of my reach, should've thought better when it was the right time ;)

    Thank you very much for you design mate! i really appreciate it, altough it is too long ( i wanted 41,20 meters), i can try to resize is but i would appreciate if you could do it for me cause i would surely compromise the ratio of the boat.
    I really need only the extreme outher line of the boat, you don't need to do the other lines inside ;)

    At the end of this let me offer you a beer
  10. Laax
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    Laax Junior Member


    If you could also provide a 120 foot LOA 8,4 meters of beam i would be happy to see if i can squeeze everything i want in the smaller boat!
  11. JosephT
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  12. Laax
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    Laax Junior Member

    thank you for your contribution, however i think it's harder working with images than with cad files.
    I'm going to wait and hope someone realizes a layout or give me an algorithm to use in order to get all the coordinates ;)
  13. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Laax, why do not you directly vectorize JosephT's drawing, without waiting for someone to do the job?
  14. Laax
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    Laax Junior Member

    cause i didn't know what vectorizing was till i searched it on google, few seconds ago! i'm gonna try out and see the results :D

    EDIT the image the other guy posted unfortunately is really small, i think i could get better result by vectorizing other images (Admiral Yachs has great layout pictures! i've been using them to replicate the hull before opening this thread but i wasn't satisfied with the result but maybe vectorizing can deliver better results!)

  15. bhnautika
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    bhnautika Senior Member

    Laax here are the two new sizes in one dxf drawing.

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