Hull type / classification of Hinckley T38R

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by eminence front, Jul 24, 2012.

  1. eminence front
    Joined: Feb 2012
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    eminence front Junior Member

    I am curious as to what type of hull classification that a Hinckley T38R is. I am new to this, and I don't really think they fall into a downeast/lobster boat category, but then again I am new to this and would like better clarification. Thanks in advance. - Scott T.
  2. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    It's a runabout, a convertible runabout.
  3. eminence front
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    eminence front Junior Member

    Thanks Mr. Par, I was more concerned with the hull design, I dont know if the Hinckley is a hard, soft chine, v, etc. sorry for my unknowledge here, just trying to figure out the bottom. Thanks again. - Scott T.
  4. Tad
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    Tad Boat Designer

    Hard chine - vee bottom......not a Lobsterboat.....not even close
  5. eminence front
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    eminence front Junior Member

    Thanks Tad
  6. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    It is a V bottom with topsides that look like a lobster boat.
  7. Tad
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    Tad Boat Designer

    I don't think so............

  8. eminence front
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    eminence front Junior Member

    Thanks, Mr. Roberts, after all, this is your baby is it not? If so, superb!!!!, all time favorite. Just wish I could build one or similar, they are way out of my pay grade. Once again Thank you - Scott T
  9. Tad
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    No.....not mine.....The 38r is a Ward Setzer design, I don't think many were built. Almost 900 HP to go a few knots faster than the original Picnic Boat with 1/3 the power? Makes little sense to me........
  10. eminence front
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    eminence front Junior Member

    So Tad, you were on the original picnic boat then?
  11. Tad
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    Tad Boat Designer

    Yes, 36', 40', 44', and what would become the 55'.....
  12. eminence front
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    eminence front Junior Member

    Well Done!!

  13. Zootalaws
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    Zootalaws Junior Member

    I do like me some Picnic Boat... but I am destined to be eating my picnic from the shore, looking longingly... :)
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