Hull model from Delftship to ACAD

Discussion in 'Software' started by Lietuvis, Sep 26, 2018.

  1. Lietuvis
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    Lietuvis Junior Member

    Hi. I have Delftship hull model and i need to export it to AutoCad to do some further modeling and drawings. I need some clean surface to work with (offset, add thickness, trim, etc.) Delftship exports it as polyface mesh and I've been able to convert it to mesh and then to surface, but only with low/medium quality Delftship export and the surface i get in AutoCad is "unworkable". Any workaround ideas? Maybe i can import it to another software and export it as more ACAD friendly format/geometry?
  2. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Maybe the model in AutoCAD is formed by a block and you need to decompose it (command "explode" of AutoCAD) to work on it. In any case, the polyfaces are quite useless to work with them in the calculations of naval architecture.
    I, instead, would export cross sections and/or water lines to generate, with them, the surfaces in AutoCAD.
  3. Lietuvis
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    Lietuvis Junior Member

    ACAD explodes it to hundreds separate faces, so its not an option. At this point i don't need calculations, i need proper quality geometry to work with. I tried recreate hull in ACAD with stations, but stations alone does not represent surface properly and if i use stations and buttocks or waterlines ACAD fails to create any surface. It's always like this with ACAD, few lines/curves and acad commands works fine, some more and errors occurs :/
  4. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    ACAD does not explode it in hundreds of faces, the model itself is composed of thousands of faces and ACAD can not do anything to avoid it. If you do not exploit the model, it is not possible to do anything with it. Keep in mind that polyfaces, if you are not working with finite elements, will not serve you much.
    You should not use different line types to create the surfaces. You must select cross sections OR water lines to generate the surfaces (I do not recommend working with the buttocks).
    But this is talking to talk because I do not know your model. If you could show it I would try to see what possibilities exist with AutoCAD.
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2018
  5. Lietuvis
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    Lietuvis Junior Member

    As i mentioned, cross sections or waterlines alone does not represent geometry properly and ACAD can't handle lots of sections or more complex geometry. I'm trying to create surface using network surface command (stations+longitudinal curves), but so far no success with ACAD. Hull shape is also kinda non standard (that does not help either), just don't ask me why :)

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  6. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Frankly, I do not see any reason why that hull can not be created in AutoCAD. Hulls much more complicated than that, not standard hulls, can be created without too many difficulties. AutoCAD has many useful tools but you have to know them and you have to use each tool for what it is used for. Of course you can not create a single surface for the entire hull but working with the right surface for each area you can get the desired model, I'm quite sure.
    See two non-standard hulls in AutoCAD. The quality can be somewhat low, it's just a matter of working a little more on the model, but it gives you an idea of the possibilities at your disposal.

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  7. Lietuvis
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    Lietuvis Junior Member

    Well. From your xray and other views i ques that first hull is made from separate segments, using loft commands to connect waterlines, which gives knuckles at each waterline (not an option for displacement hulls). Second one also has a chine/knuckle, which helps a little, but again, not for smooth displacement hulls. And yes, i need one surface for the hull, (one sided ,without deck and transom planes would be enough). I will try to set up clean curves of the hull and recreate it in ACAD again, but i doubt ACAD can handle it. And if it does, i think its very inefficient workflow, so maybe there is another way of exporting>importing hulls from Delftship to ACAD?

  8. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    That would be a problem of Delftship, not of AutoCAD. Maybe if you use other software (Rhino ??) to generate the model you will have less problems.
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