how to join hull with deck

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by milek221, Nov 3, 2017.

  1. milek221
    Joined: Nov 2017
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    milek221 New Member

    Hello , what do You think, what is the best way to join hull with deck : lodz .
    It should be solid,waterproof and easy to open in case of change electric components. Any ideas? Thanks for response.
  2. JSL
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    JSL Senior Member

    what size and type of boat. What you illustrate might be okay for a model but perhaps not for a full sized boat.
  3. Stan Iliev
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    Stan Iliev New Member

    may try with strong flanges (on hull side and deck side use aluminum or wood) ,shaped or strong connected to hull/deck, soft rubber seal and bolt connection. Be a careful because hull without deck need to have significant strength of upper(deck) area, in case if you have big size boat.
  4. milek221
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    milek221 New Member

    Thank You for reply. Do You think this type of connection would be easy to reopen in case of changing electric components ?

    It is not big boat, about 7m lenght and 3m wide.
    Maybe it would be easier loo , it is part of model, and I mean how to join this grey part to red :)
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2017
  5. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    You should unite hull and deck permanently and place a hole in the deck, with a bolted cover, to access the interior.
  6. Stan Iliev
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    Stan Iliev New Member

    Hi ,
    if no needs to reconnect all deck to hull, most usefull is proposal of TANSL .
    If necessary tools and equipment to lift the deck could be completed within an hour.
  7. milek221
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    milek221 New Member

    Yea this is good idea, thank You guys, but i need full removable deck.
    And what do You think about screws and rubber seal. This is the scheme :D

  8. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    The only thing I can think of is rather unconventional, but have you ever seen how metal ductwork slides together? Basically, the flange you drew is the same, but the deck would slide over the flanges and lock in place from underneath. This would avoid hull penetrations. You'd probably have to have a few breaks in the lower flanges and the bottom side of the upper deck lip/flange to get it to all fit.

    Basically a slip and slide type deal. It could also be done with a slip and slide, both would be tricky to fab, but be better looking than bolts. You could probably find some type of rubber material that would work for the slide in the second option (light line), but it might still need some bolts on the ends.

    deck flange.jpg
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