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How to find homes for Bryant molds (gone)

Discussion in 'Boat Molds' started by SweetwaterTN423, Sep 30, 2019.

  1. SweetwaterTN423
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    SweetwaterTN423 New Member

    My name is Stacy Tate and I live in Sweetwater, TN. My FIL is in possession of many molds from Bryant boats. I built Sea Rays in Vonore, TN for years and he asked me to find these molds a home. They are occupying his warehouse that he is losing rent money on due to the molds filling the entire space. HELP!! Suggestions?
  2. Johndon7
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    Johndon7 New Member

    Hi Stacy my name is John i used to build boats for packard and I live in Tennessee couple hours north east of you near Mountain City and I have 30 acres here, I could store them here for a reasonable fee! I might be interested in buying one of the cabin models But i aint got the cash right this minute Because it’s all tied up In building Some cabins now but I should have $1000 a month coming in here shortly
  3. Johndon7
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    Johndon7 New Member

    You can email me at DonJohn247g@gmail.com
  4. Cobra1
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    Cobra1 Junior Member

    Did a search, decent looking ski boats. I used to build those Slug searays in Phoenix, nothing but over weight chopper gun junk.
  5. SweetwaterTN423
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    SweetwaterTN423 New Member

    Just to be clear, we aren't looking to house them. They need to be sold to help pay the unpaid back rent. Anyone willing to make a investment? I counted 30 hull/deck fiberglass molds and a minimum of 6 closed "foam molds" as well as a array of small parts. The whole thing for $15,000 obo.
    Unless there is some source for these things that I can get in touch with and work something out. Soon they will be broke down for scrap metal if someone doesn't come forward. Multiple generations own this warehouse and I have a lot of pressure to empty the place and make something back.
  6. SweetwaterTN423
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    SweetwaterTN423 New Member

  7. SweetwaterTN423
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    SweetwaterTN423 New Member

  8. wildsideboats
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    wildsideboats Junior Member

    Please give me a call at your convenience 9045564057. Regards. JP
  9. SweetwaterTN423
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    SweetwaterTN423 New Member

  10. Anthony Walters
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    Anthony Walters New Member

    Still Available?
  11. SweetwaterTN423
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    SweetwaterTN423 New Member

    Yes, Anthony, they are. Probably easiest to email me... stacytatepv@hotmail.com.

  12. SweetwaterTN423
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    SweetwaterTN423 New Member

    Anthony, they are all gone now. Literally the day after I wrote you back my father-in-law started hauling them to the dump for the metal to be recycled. Such a shame most were in very usable conditions... some even new looking.

    Sorry. I tried to find them homes. :(
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