how to design a pram or garvey bowed boat in freeship

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by harper mitchell, Aug 29, 2021.

  1. harper mitchell
    Joined: Aug 2021
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    harper mitchell New Member

    hello. I was wondering if there is any way to design a pram or garvey in free ship. as far as I can figure out I can only make regular hull types.
  2. wet feet
    Joined: Nov 2004
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    wet feet Senior Member

    Yes there is and its a good deal easier with a chined hull form than with a more rounded type.You need to make use of the "crease" function and to extrude a raking bow transom so that the edges line up with the sides.I'm not sufficiently adept with Freeship to post examples but I have modelled a crude houseboat hull.
  3. Heimfried
    Joined: Apr 2015
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    Heimfried Senior Member

    better ask your question at the more fitting place: Software
  4. wet feet
    Joined: Nov 2004
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    wet feet Senior Member

    I had a quick play and did this.So it can be done,but don't even think of building from this rough and ready effort.

    crude garvey.png
    DCockey and Tops like this.

  5. harper mitchell
    Joined: Aug 2021
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    harper mitchell New Member

    I am trying to design a sailboat and that was very helpfull thank you, but I have decided to make a more spoon-bow type thing instead.
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