how long should my keel be

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by matheo, May 4, 2021.

  1. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    You could cheat, having a deep-vee planing hull underwater, masquerading as a miniature Spanish galleon above water, with a big outboard hiding behind a dummy stern, spectators would be shocked when the replica roared off toward the horizon.
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  2. matheo
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    matheo Junior Member

  3. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Depend what you mean by a "round bottom" a bathtub has a flattish bottom with a rounded transition to the sides. It may be more stable than a vee-bottom.
  4. matheo
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    matheo Junior Member

    I'm relatively new to boat building I've done some small projects so I will take you advice into consideration and do a bit more research on the subject thank you

    So I'll draw a new plan today of it going from the keel at a 10deg angle (more or less) and smoothing out to a rounded transition. Is this how you meant it? Thank you for the advice
    jehardiman likes this.
  5. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Just about all big ships are not dissimilar in cross section to a bathtub !
  6. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Matheo, having that high aft castle (are you going to be sitting on top of it?) on your boat is going to make it much more likely to 'roll over' than a round bottom.
    Let's start again, from the beginning.
    Why do you want it to look like a Spanish galleon?
    Do you really want to build it for some amusement theme park, or do you actually want to go boating / fishing with it?
    The mere fact that you do not see lots of galleon type boats engaged in fishing activities should tell you that this is not a good idea.
    Or are you simply engaged in a serious wind up mission on here?
  7. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    I rather like the idea of sitting in an aft cabin listening to the timbers creak, but in this instance claustrophobia could ruin it.
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  8. matheo
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    matheo Junior Member

    it's mostly gonna be used for simple sailing , fishing once in a while , and yes il be on top because if I dont stand high the front end will block my vision since I wont have sails only and engine well that is my belief at least but if it's not posible I dont mind lowering it down btw I love the idea of an aft cabin it would be pretty nice
    I might be totally wrong in believing that its gonna block my vision but that's what I think will happen
  9. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Good grief.
    Matheo, you do not need a high poop deck to enable you to see over the bow on a 6 metre long boat.
    If you want to go fishing and general boating, then get yourself a standard 6 metre fishing boat - there are 100's for sale in Oz.
    Or buy a set of plans for a 6 m. long boat and build it - there are many different plans available on the internet.
    Your Spanish galleon type of boat is simply ludicrous, especially so for what you want to use it for.
    If you were building it for a children's amusement park, then I can see the point of having it look like a galleon, but not for fishing.
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  10. matheo
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    matheo Junior Member

    Ugh, I'm making it so that it looks nice and I can sail it and about fishing, it's not my purpose. If I want to fish I'll spear fish. I just want to be able to go cruise along the water and anchor my ship and relax and I like the idea of an aft cabin
  11. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    I hope it only sinks 1 metre. It looks very unstable.
  12. matheo
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    matheo Junior Member

    yep indeed I was gona redraw it today but I didnt get the chance I am gona make it go from the keel to a 10 angle and then make it a round chin I will post after I do it
  13. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    Good luck.
  14. matheo
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    matheo Junior Member

    haha thanks I love your reply simple and elegant

  15. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

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