How does one start

Discussion in 'OnBoard Electronics & Controls' started by BertKu, Aug 15, 2016.

  1. BertKu
    Joined: May 2009
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    BertKu Senior Member

    I have to rewind a 2 kw brushless motor for making a winch. I do know how to wind and in which direction and how to split the poles. However what I cannot find on the internet is in how to start. (Most likely a manufacturer trick) Should I start first in making the multiple strands of about 2 meter, each with 12 wires. Then to solder the ends and then make the star connection, solder it with leadless solder (higher temperature) and find a good place for the connection to hide?. Or should I start differently? Also should I make the star connection as a) , b) or c)? any thoughts on this? Bert

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  2. BertKu
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    BertKu Senior Member

    Hi all. It looks like I have to gamble myself. It was a hell of a job to remove the copper wires from the core. Photo attached. It took me most of the day. I probably will first take "C) and try it out with a couple of windings. If you want to know why I want to rewind this motor? Very simple some years ago the supplier got his stock mixed up and shipped the wrong sensors to me. I placed them in the motor. After months of struggling I realized it was the sensors and not my software or the hardware I had built. I had potted them in with extreme heat resistance glue . The supplier denied any responsibility, but replaced them with good sensors. Thus I had a motor I could no longer use and decided to do something with it. Bert

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  3. groper
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    groper Senior Member

    HI bert, Google " DLRK evolution for delta" and click on the images tab in the search results. Youll see plenty of diagrams and dlrk evolution is how I wind all my small brushless stators.... takes me about 1.5hours each, use a flat screw driver with heat shrink on the blade to help bend the windings around the pole ends to get it tight as you go.

    do you absolutely have to have it in star or wye connection? Wye is the term you'll find more of on the net as the Americans prefer to call it that.

    If you must have it in star, simply leave the tails out in the beginning and solder them all together at the end and leaving enough length so it can be pushed flat against the pole ends and clears the shaft down the center. Trying to make the join in the beginning would be painful dealing with all 3 phases of long wire flopping around everywhere whilst your trying to wind it.
  4. Jim Caldwell
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    Jim Caldwell Senior Member

    He should want it in Wye for more tq. for a winch.
  5. BertKu
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    BertKu Senior Member

    Thank you for your great information. Yes I have all that information. But nothing where one could hide the 3 very thick soldered windings end. Bear in mind I have out runners. Only after I had removed all the old glue and windings I discovered a hiding place within the large bearing casing. Ideal for that purpose. But yes, that means that I have the other 2 bungling rolled up, while winding the first one. Thanks. I hope I survive. Bert
  6. BertKu
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    BertKu Senior Member

    Yes indeed Jim, I am going for wye and DLRK. (lower revs and more windings) Bert
  7. groper
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    groper Senior Member

    Or simply bring all 6 ends back to the esc and make your star connection out there externally. This way you can change it to delta if you ever need to and don't have to deal with hiding the connection inside the motor or winding it with 2 rolls of wire frustrating you :) yes, all my motors are out runners also...
  8. BertKu
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    BertKu Senior Member

    Yes indeed one can do that. I must just check what the consequence is for the already very low inductance. I don't want to have the coils too much differentiate in length from each other. Thanks Bert

  9. BertKu
    Joined: May 2009
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    BertKu Senior Member

    Hi Groper, have you already often rewound your out runners? What power does yours have?. Mine is rated at 6 KW for 10 minutes, but max 3 kw continuous with high cooling and 2 KW with normal cooling. I try now to put very thick multiple wires to approx. 30 mm2 and see what it can do for me at 12 Volt. Just an experiment. Bert
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