how can i generate lines curve by importing offset-table?

Discussion in 'Software' started by Hunterr, Jul 9, 2015.

  1. Hunterr
    Joined: Jun 2015
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    Hunterr Junior Member

    I can generate offset-table from my lines curve in ORCA3D.
    how can i generate lines curve by importing offset-table?
    is it possible?

    I have tools= rhino,orca3D,maxsurf,cad2015,catia,UG NX8.5
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 10, 2015
  2. rwatson
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    rwatson Senior Member

    Hi Orca. You might get the Administrator to move this thread to the Software Section, but i can give you one kludge.

    If you get a free copy of Freeship, or even pay a little for Delftship, they can produce lines from a table of offsets. There are some threads you can look up that show you how on this site.

    After that, you can 'Save As' the generated Hull plan, into a file format that Orca3D can read. I do it a fair bit with Rhino
  3. DCockey
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    DCockey Participant

    Yes, it is very possible to create a set of lines and a 3D surface model using Rhino and starting with a table of offsets. I have done so a number of times.

    First step is to import the offsets into Rhino as a set of points. Simplest method to do this is create a .csv or .txt file with the offsets in decimal form with each set of station (x), half breadth (y) and waterline (z) values on a line. Then import the file into Rhino.

    3D lines curves can be created through the appropriate points using the InterpCrv or CrvThroughPt commands in Rhino.

    3D hull surfaces can be created using the lines curves. The details of how to do so depend on the shape of the hull and what lines curves are available.

    My understanding is FreeShip/DelftShip do not create lines and surfaces exactly through the imported offset points. The user needs to decide if the difference is small enough to not be of concern for their use.

  4. rwatson
    Joined: Aug 2007
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    rwatson Senior Member

    Yes. Freeship can introduce some nuisance kinks aa it autogenerates hull shapes. Even the sheer lines can be unfair. If you think about it any hull shape under say fifty feet doesn't have much manual data points to preclude keying them in yourself. Hard chines designs are particularly easy.
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