Houseboat design...

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by duns227, Jun 17, 2010.

  1. apex1

    apex1 Guest

    It sometimes helps to read a thread before contributing, contradicting Pete

    You did not.:mad:
  2. norgale
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    norgale Junior Member

    I did read the thread and the guy did ask for information,suggestions and help with his idea so I stated my opinion. If that's contradictory then so be it. Sorry if I ruffled your feathers. pete
  3. capt_jack
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    capt_jack Junior Member

    Have you considered buying a used mobile home and mounting it on a pontoon base? (Most of the larger houseboats look to be exactly that with a cost of 300k or more).

    There's a tradition of building houseboats in India which are really neat, they're made entirely of lashing wood, no nails -


    more info:

    Another method is to combine an R/V with a pontoon base. Some are even set up and advertised as being usable on the water or in the R/V park:


    I see ads all the time selling mobile homes in need of refurbishment for a couple of hundred dollars or even free just to get them hauled away.

    The large, 3 and 4 bedroom type houseboats are usually around 18 feet in width, by the way.
  4. apex1

    apex1 Guest

    You did not ruffle my feathers, you have just not seen this:

    hence my comment.
  5. norgale
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    norgale Junior Member

    Capt-Jack; You are so right about a travel trailer being just rightfor what Dunn wants to build. There are two 35 footers going out of my park right now and they are in great shape and are free for the taking. They both need upgraded refrige's and water heaters but all in all are in really good condition.
    There's a difference between a mobil home and an R/V or travel trailer. The RV's are much better built and are completly self contained including water storeage tanks and sewage storage tanks. Most have 12 volt sysytem so you have battery lights when the gen is off as well as 120 volts and the refrigerators run on gas as well as electric and the same for the hot water heater. Most ranges are gas and the A/c's are 120 volt with the heaters on LP gas.
    Apex1 I did read that and thought that the extra money that the outriggers cost would go a long way towards making the basic hull wider but that may preclude taking the boat over land if that became necessary. I will be nice to have that capability but is it worth it for "maybe" taking the boat overland. Personally I don't think it is but that's up to the builder. In that way I was contradictory and didn't realize it. Thanks for pointing that out. Pete
  6. brian eiland
    Joined: Jun 2002
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    brian eiland Senior Member

    India Houseboats

    That's interesting Capt Jack...sort of fits in with my recent postings on a Thai/Bali style houseboat
    ...also lots of Bamboo utilized.

    Maybe you would consider adding your India reference to this other subject thread?
  7. ezrollin
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    ezrollin Junior Member

    An alum 2" square tubing for the frame and structual insulated panels,the kind they use for walk-in freezers,light and well insulated.

  8. ezrollin
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    ezrollin Junior Member

    Here's one build using the 2" square tubing and structurally insulated panels[foam between to thin alum sheets].Rear side windows are being replaced with sips to allow installation of fold out cots.

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