hot rod yacht

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by ned, Apr 15, 2010.

  1. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    What rating rules are you racing under? Boats get measured in different ways, and there is where "cheating the rules" comes in. For example, in PHRF, you can buy a type of boat that no one has sailed well, tune it up, and get a great rating. Then you sell it at the end of the season and buy another boat of a type that has not been sailed well because they will update the rating of any winning boat. Only monotype boats race on equal terms.
  3. Cheesy
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    Cheesy Senior Member

    That isnt really cheating though is it, you still need to prep the boat well and sail it better than anyone else has to beat its rating?

    Since he is in NZ he most likely be racing under a club handicap, and a lot of these are roughly based on this website....
  4. jwboatdesigns
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    jwboatdesigns John Welsford

    Coastal Classic racing

    I've done the race a couple of times, last one in a Mini Transat, great ride but by the time we got that far along with the boats workup campaign the handicappers had heard too much about us and we were carrying a handicap higher than the Young 88s and Ross 930s, we beat all of those but not by enough!
    What design trailer yacht did you have in mind?

    of the cheaper ones a Joker 22 with a bigger rig and wings might do ok, carve about half of the cabin off and extend the cockpit forward,fit a nicely foiled daggerboard with maybe 150 kg bulb on the end, and a big prod with gennaker on it and pray for a "Sou wester>

    John Welsford
  5. Cheesy
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    Cheesy Senior Member

    by the time you do that wouldnt it be cheaper to buy something like a magic 25?
  6. jwboatdesigns
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    jwboatdesigns John Welsford

    I have not seen a Magic 25 for sale for a while, but there was a reasonably tidy Joker sold not far from here for four grand, registered trailer, decent outboard and all. If you took that and added your own labour you could have a fun boat for not a lot of money. Its a good shape that could go pretty well, whereas most of the cheaper glass ones wont.
    Plus this answer is consistent with the original question, which buying a Magic 25 is not.

    Myself, I'd be inclined to start from scratch.

  7. Cheesy
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    Cheesy Senior Member

    That is true, I was crunching numbers in my head and the Magic came out the cheaper option so I thought I would mention it anyway, no cabin to speak of either
  8. bhnautika
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  9. ned
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    ned Junior Member

    im gona build a 6.5 cainting keeler with small hiking rack wings on it. ive looked at the minis but im gona build it with a bigger sail area and less lead.
  10. jwboatdesigns
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    jwboatdesigns John Welsford

    Go for it, short range races like the Coastal Classic would suit that style, the Minis are somewhat constrained by the stability rules and you could get the beam narrower at the waterline which would help.
    Note though that the sail areas on some Minis is pretty big, I designed Navman with 2300 sq ft of downhill sail, which for 21 ft and just over a ton is a lot of rag. She is carrying more sail now courtesey of a square headed main and a wider foot on the spinnaker, races Mini class races in the Med so can use more.

    John Welsford
  11. Cheesy
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    Cheesy Senior Member

    Im pretty sure there are some pictures on the net somewhere, Dan Leech has a 7m sportboat design, one is being built at the moment, although its not canting and 0.5m bigger that what you want it is very close in all the other areas, I think the original concept was for it to be a canter but the trade offs werent worth it.
  12. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Cheesy, Dan Leech=R Class=Foils=sportboat with foils???
  13. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Every rule can be beaten. That is why they keep on making changes and sometimes starting a completely new one. I think that it is often possible to get more advantages by considering the rules than by just optimizing a particular boat.
  14. Cheesy
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    Cheesy Senior Member

    Same Dan, no foils though

  15. ned
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    ned Junior Member

    hi ive read the book on chris and iv woundered how he kept the boat on its feet. I sail on the Shaw 30 cainting keeler Deep Throttle and we are always powered up with the 120sm kite.
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